A recent investigation provides new insight into generalized anxiety disorder. Natalie JEFFCOTT/Stocksy Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) experience excessive anxiety during everyday life. GAD is one of the most difficult anxiety disorders to treat. A new study investigates the role of the autonomic nervous system and interoception — a sense of the internal state of the...
Almost 1 in 3 older adults develop new conditions after covid-19 infection
BMJ Almost a third (32 of every 100) of older adults infected with covid-19 in 2020 developed at least one new condition that required medical attention in the months after initial infection, 11 more than those who did not have covid-19, finds a US study published by The BMJ today. Conditions involved a range of major organs...
Love drugs are coming and they bring big ethical problems with them
By Anna Machin Simone Rotella LOVE is unpredictable and complex. After spending many years researching its layers, I remain in awe of how it engages every mechanism in our bodies and infiltrates every aspect of our lives. But for a species like ours that craves certainty, this can cause all sorts of problems. The first recorded...
Surprising study finds screen use before bed can actually help you sleep
By Rich Haridy February 09, 2022 New research has found some people may experience better sleep by briefly watching a TV show or listening to a podcast before going to bedDepositphotos A pair of recent studies have upended the common belief that watching screens before going to sleep disturbs the quality or duration of your...
Researchers have found that as many as one in three Americans have a relatively high amount of a toxic weed-killing chemical in their bodies. In a paper published in the journal Environmental Health, the team explored the prevalence of 2,4-D, a chemical frequently used as an herbicide to control weed growth. The researchers found that nearly 33 percent of the...
Over 800 Prescription Medications Got More Expensive in January 2022
Written by Anna Wells Published on February 4, 2022 Key takeaways: In January, 810 medications increased in list price by an average of 5.1%. This is just shy of the number of medications that increased in list price last year — which was the largest number to date. Of these drugs, 791 were brand drugs,...
Regular Acetaminophen Use and Blood Pressure in People With Hypertension: The PATH-BP Trial
Iain M. MacIntyre, Emma J. Turtle, Tariq E. Farrah, Catriona Graham, James W. Dear and David J. Webband for the PATH-BP (Paracetamol in Hypertension–Blood Pressure) Investigators Abstract Background: Acetaminophen is widely used as first-line therapy for chronic pain because of its perceived safety and the assumption that, unlike nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it has little or...
Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers had to pause a study of autism treatment in preschoolers. The participants, children with speech delays, had been coming to Stanford for 12 hours a week for a therapy called pivotal response treatment, which uses autistic children’s interests to motivate them to talk. The halt was stressful for...
Scientists discover new mechanism involved in learning and memory
What happens inside neurons when we memorize a password or learn the cello? Some of our basic understanding about learning and memory comes from the study of conditions in which cognitive development is disrupted. For example, FMRP, a protein whose loss causes fragile X syndrome, intellectual disability, and some forms of autism has been shown to play...
New tool in cancer battle
FLINDERS UNIVERSITY A new dietary tool to quickly and accurately assess micronutrient levels aims to help cancer patients fight disease, paving the way to find better nutritional solutions for oncology services, Flinders University researchers say. Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for cancer, the leading cause of death globally with 10 million cancer deaths and...