by Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) Schematic outlining the approach and outcome of this work. Mouse embryonic DRG was extracted and seeded on a Matrigel-coated surface. The neurons and SCs in the DRG were allowed to grow and differentiate before changing the medium to myelination medium (DIV 8). ES was applied at...
The sex of your cells matters when it comes to heart disease
by Brian Aguado, The Conversation Hearts with aortic valve stenosis must pump harder to push blood through a narrowed aortic valve to the rest of the body. Credit: SuneErichsen/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA Most mammals, including humans, have two sex chromosomes, X and Y. One sex chromosome is usually inherited from each parent, and they pair up as either...
Spinal fluid analysis could speed up diagnosis of breast cancer spread
by Institute of Cancer Research CSF and plasma cfDNA extraction and tumor fraction estimation by ulpWGS. A, Baseline and serial sample collection for the study. B, CSF cfDNA concentration (ng/mL) in paired baseline CSF and plasma samples (n = 28). Violin plots show median and IQR (paired t test on log-transformed values.). C, Pipeline for cfDNA ulpWGS...
Opioids and the brain: New insights through epigenetics
by Greta Friar, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Drug overdose, mostly from opioid use, is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. Prior studies of twins have revealed that genetics play a key role in opioid use disorder. Researchers know that a mixture of genetic and environmental risk...
Brain shrinkage, tissue damage, cognitive disruption. What COVID can do to patients’ brains
Updated: Mar. 20, 2022, 8:38 a.m. | Published: Mar. 19, 2022, 9:00 a.m. MRI scan of a human brain. A major study on the impact of COVID-19 on the brain indicates even a mild case can significantly affect the complex organ, thinning tissue and disrupting functions that control smell and some cognitive abilities. The findings are...
New BioAge Drug Prevents Death From COVID-19 in Old Mice by Reversing Immune Aging
By BIOAGE LABS MARCH 21, 2022 A Phase 2 clinical trial is testing the new drug’s ability to reduce mortality in older people hospitalized with COVID-19. By directly targeting immune aging, BGE-175 could effectively treat emerging COVID variants that evade vaccine-based immunity. The immune system deteriorates with age, making COVID-19 particularly deadly in older people — but to date,...
Nordic diet may improve cholesterol, blood sugar, even without weight loss
New research explores the health benefits of the so-called Nordic diet. Morten Falch Sortland/Getty Images Researchers investigated the health effects of a healthy Nordic diet (HND) using metabolic analysis. They found that the diet positively affects glucose metabolism, cholesterol, and cardiometabolic risk. They conclude that metabolic analysis is an effective way to assess dietary outcomes....
A poo dose a day may keep bipolar away
Two Australians with bipolar have been successfully treated with poo transplants, allowing them to come off, or reduce, their medications. Here’s where the science is up to. In a world first, two Australians with bipolar have had poo transplants, their symptoms improved, and their cases written up in peer-reviewed journals. One of us (Parker) treated the second of these...
Cellular rejuvenation therapy safely reverses signs of aging in mice
Salk researchers treated mice with anti-aging regimen beginning in middle age and found no increase in cancer or other health problems later on. Age may be just a number, but it’s a number that often carries unwanted side effects, from brittle bones and weaker muscles to increased risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Now, scientists at...
TGen, HonorHealth and Irish biomedical firm initiate promising ‘Nieto’ clinical trial against pancreatic cancer
THE TRANSLATIONAL GENOMICS RESEARCH INSTITUTE SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — March 18, 2022 — The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of City of Hope, in association with HonorHealth Research and Innovation Institute and Systems Biology Ireland (SBI), have begun a clinical trial, testing the combination of two drugs against advanced pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly and difficult-to-treat malignancies. The...