by King’s College London Evaluation of enrichment of common-variant hearing loss GWAS results in scRNA-seq mouse datasets. Schematic of the mouse cochlea (A) and the mouse brain (B) regions used for the enrichment analysis. Abbreviations: Amg, amygdala; Cbx, cerebellum; Ctx, cerebral cortex; DC, Deiters’ cells; Hi, hippocampus; Hy, hypothalamus; IHC, inner hair cells; Mb, midbrain;...
Synchrotron-based study finds a high-fish diet may not be bad for you
by University of Saskatchewan Graphical abstract. Credit: ACS Chemical Neuroscience (2022). DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.2c00166 A synchrotron-based study led by University of Saskatchewan (USask) researchers shows that the chemical form of mercury found in the brains of people who ate a lot of fish over a lifetime is completely different from the mercury form found in the brains of...
Study finds ‘super gene’ shows promise for preventing obesity
by Anastasia Lyon, University of Kentucky Par-4-/- mice show increased fat mass and adipocyte hypertrophy. (A) Age- and sex-matched Par-4-/- mice are significantly heavier than Par-4+/+ counterparts. Weight gain in female (n=8-13) and male mice (n=8) was determined over the indicated observation period; representative images of 16-month-old male mice are shown. (B) Par-4-/- mice show increased fat mass. Echo-MRI...
Stimulating brain circuits promotes neuron growth in adulthood, improving cognition and mood
by University of North Carolina Health Care New adult-born neurons that contribute to memory and emotion regulation. Credit: Song Lab, UNC-CH We humans lose mental acuity as an unfortunate side effect of aging. And for individuals with neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, the loss of cognitive function, often accompanied by mood disorders such...
Nearly half of patients at high risk for lung cancer delayed screening follow-up
by American Thoracic Society Most patients at high risk failed to do lung cancer screening follow-up. Credit: ATS The first study to look at follow-up for patients deemed at high risk for lung cancer after CT screening found that 47 percent delayed follow-up care, according to research published at the ATS 2022 international conference. “The...
Ultra-powerful brain scanners offer hope for treating cognitive symptoms in Parkinson’s disease
by University of Cambridge Locus coeruleus as observed in a 7T MRI scanner. Credit: University of Cambridge Ultra-powerful 7T MRI scanners could be used to help identify those patients with Parkinson’s disease and similar conditions who are most likely to benefit from new treatments for previously-untreatable symptoms, say scientists. Both Parkinson’s disease and a related...
Drug treatment for cataracts moves a step closer
by Anglia Ruskin University Cataract in human eye. Credit: Wikipedia. A revolutionary new treatment for cataracts has shown extremely positive results in laboratory tests, giving hope that the condition, which currently can only be cured with surgery, could soon be treated with drugs. The results have been published today in the peer-reviewed journal Investigative Ophthalmology and...
New guideline refines care for brain bleeds: Compression socks, some meds not effective
by American Heart Association Stroke 5-17 ICH Guideline Central Illustration. Credit: copyright American Heart Association/American Stroke Association 2022 Some treatments or preventive therapies used to manage intracerebral hemorrhages (ICH), or a bleeding stroke, are not as effective as previously believed, according to the new American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guideline for caring for people with...
For large bone injuries, it’s Sonic hedgehog to the rescue
by Keck School of Medicine of USC AMer surgical rib resec/on (top), a car/lage and bone bridge form (second from top) and then resolve (third from top) and remodel to regenerate the missing /ssue in the gap (boQom). Blue shows car/lage matrix; red shows mineralized matrix. Credit: Stephanie Kuwahara and Max Serowoky/ Mariani Lab A...
How to choose a toothbrush and when to throw it out
by Ladawn Brock, Texas A&M University Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The toothbrush is the most basic tool for maintaining healthy teeth, but many people give their toothbrush little thought and don’t know when to swap it out for a new one. It can also be difficult to choose what type of brush to use: manual...