If you want a quality porn experience, but don’t have the money to get a premium pub, there are plenty of low cost porn sites to choose from. These sites offer HIGH-DEFINITION videos, full length clips, and warm porn celebrities at an cost-effective value. The first thing you should think of when choosing a site...
Older Man More radiant Women Romances
Older men are increasingly attracted to younger girls. The phenomenon is really common, in fact , that it’s frequently referred to mainly because “cougaring. ” Some of the planet’s most well-known and powerful men have chosen much more youthful wives, which include Leonardo DiCaprio, Alec Baldwin, Charlie Martin, Harrison Ford, Eddie Murphy (who married Paige...
A major clinical trial shows how to reduce the risk of stomach bleeding occasionally caused by regular aspirin use
by University of Nottingham Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A new study led by experts at the University of Nottingham has found that the risk of stomach bleeding caused by using aspirin long-term can be reduced with a short course of antibiotics, potentially improving the safety of aspirin when used to prevent heart attacks, strokes and...
Flu vaccine lowers risk of stroke
by University of Calgary Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers at the University of Calgary say the flu vaccine lowers the risk of stroke among adults even if they are not at high risk for stroke. Investigators evaluated the health records of over four million Albertans over a nine-year period. The results indicate vaccination against influenza...
Less gym time, same results: Why ‘lowering’ weights is all you need to do
by Edith Cowan University Professor Ken Nosaka. Credit: Edith Cowan University Good news for those who struggle to fit a gym workout into their day: you may be able to cut your weights routine in half and still see the same results. New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has shown one type of muscle...
Study suggests reducing use of broad-spectrum antibiotics for acute kidney infections
by Ochsner Health System Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A new study led by Ochsner infectious diseases clinical pharmacist Kevin Lin, PharmD, was recently published in PLoS One, suggesting that oral cephalosporins are as safe and effective as the standard of care fluoroquinolones (FQs) for the treatment of acute kidney infections. Cephalosporins belong to a family of...
Scientists reveal role of key brain protein in childhood movement disorder
by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine Graphical abstract. Credit: Cell Reports (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111580 Scientists at the UNC School of Medicine and UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, in collaboration with a team from Queen Mary University of London, have illuminated the molecular events underlying an inherited movement and neurodegenerative disorder known as ARSACS—Autosomal...
Scientists develop new mathematical model of Alzheimer’s disease
by University of York Diagram of the brain of a person with Alzheimer’s Disease. Credit: Wikipedia/public domain. Scientists have used a mathematical model to reveal how toxic proteins cluster together inside the brain during the early stages of Alzheimer’s. The researchers, from the University of York’s School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, say the discovery...
Aging eyesight issues and treatment
by Homa Shalchi, Baylor College of Medicine Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Diminishing eyesight is a common issue that occurs with age. While often unavoidable, routine eye checks are crucial. A Baylor College of Medicine ophthalmologist describes different age-related eyesight problems and how to manage them. Cataracts This is one of the most common age-related eyesight issues....
Do we still need to hold onto COVID-19 vaccination cards?
by Jessica Taylor Price, Northeastern University Credit: Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University Where is your COVID-19 vaccination card? Is it in your wallet or purse? Is it at home, buried in a pile of mail? Is it lost? If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. “It’s tucked away at home, I think,” said Northeastern student Kenny Nguyen,...