Month: <span>March 2023</span>

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Calcium-control gene offers new avenue for Alzheimer’s disease therapy

Calcium-control gene offers new avenue for Alzheimer’s disease therapy

By Bronwyn Thompson March 21, 2023 Researchers have found the gene Surf4 plays a role in neural degeneration Depositphotos Nearly six million Americans currently live with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with the figure set to climb to 13.8 million by 2050. And with promising trials failing close to the finish line, researchers are desperate for any breakthroughs that will lead...

Day procedure to slow progression of diabetes headed to clinical trial

Day procedure to slow progression of diabetes headed to clinical trial

By Michael Irving March 21, 2023 An endoscopy procedure could help slow or prevent the progression of type 2 diabetes, suggests a new clinical trial Depositphotos A phase 2 clinical trial is currently exploring a new technique to slow the progression of type 2 diabetes. The simple outpatient surgery can be conducted in the early...

Scientists uncover protective role of NAD maintenance in kidney disease

Scientists uncover protective role of NAD maintenance in kidney disease

by  Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics data analysis of human kidney samples. a, Total of 50 human kidney samples were collected for metabolomics analysis; including healthy controls (n = 25) and patients with KD (n = 25). b, Volcano plot of metabolites showing significant changes in human diseased kidneys. The x axis shows log2 fold change (log2FC)....

Multiple substance use disorders may share inherited genetic signature

Multiple substance use disorders may share inherited genetic signature

by  Washington University School of Medicine Credit: CC0 Public Domain A new study suggests that a common genetic signature may increase a person’s risk of developing substance use disorders, regardless of whether the addiction is to alcohol, tobacco, cannabis or opioids. The research, led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, eventually could lead...

Scientists pave way for potential cure for severe kidney disease disproportionately affecting Black individuals

Scientists pave way for potential cure for severe kidney disease disproportionately affecting Black individuals

by Jacqueline Mitchell,  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Today in the United States, about two out of every 1,000 people live with kidney failure. For every one white person who develops the disease, three Black people do. Kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal failure or end-stage kidney disease, is the irreversible...

Unmasking the secret of broadly neutralizing COVID-19 therapeutic antibodies

Unmasking the secret of broadly neutralizing COVID-19 therapeutic antibodies

by National University of Singapore Identification and characterization of SWT-specific antibodies from convalescent patients in the early pandemic. a, Initial screening for SWT-specific antibodies from nine convalescent patients using ELISA. Of 771 antibodies produced in the culture supernatant, 476 (61.7%) had strong binding with optical density (OD) values above the cut-off of 0.2, more than...


Researchers develop a universal oral COVID-19 vaccine that prevents severe illness in hamsters

by  University of California, Los Angeles Experimental schedule and weight loss after challenge. (A) Experiment schedule. Syrian hamsters (8/group, 4 females, 4 males) were immunized ID, IN, SQ, or PO three times on weeks 0, 3, and 6 with LVS ΔcapB vector (ΔcapB) or rLVS ΔcapB/MN (ΔcapB/MN) vaccine; challenged IN on week 10 with 104 PFU...

Scientists Grow Electrodes Inside The Body

Scientists Grow Electrodes Inside The Body

Researchers at Linköping University in Sweden have developed a method whereby the body can ‘grow its own’ electrodes. The minimally invasive technique involves injecting a hydrogel that is laden with enzymes into target tissues. The enzymes interact with molecules that are present in the tissue to change the structure of the gel and allow it...


Unwinding the World’s Smallest Biological Rotary Motor by Degrees

F-Type ATP synthase, a catalytic complex of proteins, synthesizes adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of living cells. A lot of ambiguity exists over the rotational mechanism of this spinning enzyme. Now, researchers from Japan have demonstrated how each chemical event of ATP metabolism is linked to the ‘stepwise’ rotational movement of the F1 component...