Month: <span>November 2023</span>

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AI phone app detects worsening heart failure based on changes in patients’ voices

AI phone app detects worsening heart failure based on changes in patients’ voices

by American Heart Association Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A smartphone app using artificial intelligence technology to detect changes in the voice of a person with heart failure predicted more than 75% of hospitalizations about three weeks before they happened, according to late-breaking science presented Nov. 13 at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023. The meeting, held Nov. 11–13,...

Reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in families

Reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in families

by Deb Balzer, Mayo Clinic Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes memory loss and other cognitive decline due to brain cell degeneration. It’s the most common cause of dementia—a clinical syndrome characterized by a collection of symptoms that affect cognitive abilities, memory, thinking behavior. Dementia is not a specific...

US to cover HIV prevention drugs for older Americans to stem spread of the virus

US to cover HIV prevention drugs for older Americans to stem spread of the virus

by Michael Scaturro, KFF Health News Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A proposed federal policy aims to protect older Americans from contracting HIV by offering free preventive medication, the latest effort to catch up to much of Europe and Africa in stemming the spread of the virus. Under the plan from the Biden administration, Medicare would...

ADHD drugs delay bone healing in children, researchers report

ADHD drugs delay bone healing in children, researchers report

by Ellen Goldbaum, University at Buffalo Credit: cottonbro studio from Pexels Children taking psychostimulant drugs prescribed for psychiatric disorders including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who experience a common childhood fracture take longer to heal than children who don’t take these drugs, University at Buffalo researchers report. The findings were published in the Journal of Pediatric...

Could new antibiotic clovibactin beat superbugs? Or will it join the long list of failed drugs?

Could new antibiotic clovibactin beat superbugs? Or will it join the long list of failed drugs?

by Sacha Pidot, The Conversation Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Imagine a world where simple infections could become life-threatening, where a small cut could spell disaster, and where doctors couldn’t treat diseases effectively anymore. This isn’t the plot of a science fiction movie—it’s a real concern. For decades, antibiotics have been used successfully to fight a wide...

Scientists invent single rapid test for both HIV and TB

Scientists invent single rapid test for both HIV and TB

by Tulane University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Researchers at Tulane have developed a new and rapid test that can detect both HIV and tuberculosis at the same time with just a small amount of blood. In a paper published in Clinical Chemistry, researchers led by Tony Hu, Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Biotechnology Innovation and director of...

Drug that kills off sleeping bone cells could treat lower back pain

Drug that kills off sleeping bone cells could treat lower back pain

by Emily Packer, eLife ABT263 effectively depletes endplate SnOCs in the LSI and aging mouse models.(a-c) Immunofluorescent staining of p16 (green), TRAP (red) and nuclei (DAPI; blue) of the endplates in aged (a) and LSI-mice (b) injected with PBS (control) or ABT263 and the quantitative analysis of SnOCs based on dual staining for p16 and TRAP...


Pulling the plug on brain injury: manipulating fluid flows could save lives, improve recovery post-TBI

Peer-Reviewed Publication UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER Cerebral edema, the dangerous brain swelling that occurs after traumatic brain injury (TBI), can increase risk of death tenfold and significantly worsen prospects for recovery in brain function. In extreme cases, surgeons will remove a portion of the skull to relieve pressure, but this has significant risks and...


Digital Virology Pipeline Brings AI’s Expert Eye to Identifying Infections

Posted Today Microscopy plus machine learning and AI equals a quick, cheap and automated way to detect not only coronavirus, but other emerging pathogens or cellular responses to drugs.Digital virology, AI in medical research – illustrative rendering. Digital virology, AI in medical research – illustrative rendering. Image credit: Minttu Polso/Aalto University Before there were vaccines or...