Month: <span>March 2024</span>

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Can people with an irregular heartbeat drink coffee? Cardiologist says ‘yes’

Can people with an irregular heartbeat drink coffee? Cardiologist says ‘yes’

by Michael Precker, American Heart Association Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain When Dr. David Kao tells patients they have atrial fibrillation—an irregular and often rapid heart rhythm that can lead to stroke, blood clots or other health issues—their first question is usually “Do I have to give up coffee?”His answer often surprises them: No.”They’re thrilled,” said Kao,...

CDC shortens recommended COVID isolation period

CDC shortens recommended COVID isolation period

by Ernie Mundell New guidance issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that Americans who test positive for COVID-19 no longer need to routinely stay home for five days. Instead, the CDC recommends “returning to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, symptoms are improving overall, and if a fever...

Dancing cells show how the brain awakens from anesthesia

Dancing cells show how the brain awakens from anesthesia

by Alison Satake, Mayo Clinic Neuronal hyperactivity occurs during emergence from general anesthesia. Credit: Nature Neuroscience (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01537-8According to a Mayo Clinic study published in Nature Neuroscience, the cells that act as the central nervous system’s first line of defense against harm also play a role in helping the brain awaken from anesthesia. This discovery...

Prevalence of arthritis in US adults 18.9 percent in 2022

Prevalence of arthritis in US adults 18.9 percent in 2022

by Elana Gotkine The age-adjusted prevalence of adults with arthritis was 18.9 percent in 2022 in the United States, according to a February data brief published by the National Center for Health Statistics. Nazik Elgaddal, from the National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Maryland, and colleagues used data from the 2022 National Health Interview...

Sickle cell and COVID-19: A risky mix of two diseases

Sickle cell and COVID-19: A risky mix of two diseases

by Bruno Geoffroy, University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre Normal blood cells next to a sickle-blood cell, colored scanning electron microscope image. Credit: Wikipedia/Illustration from Anatomy & PhysiologyUdeM’s Stéphanie Forté and co-researchers in Canada and Brazil have shown how people with sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait have a higher chance of dying from...

Cause of clogged hypodermic needles discovered

Cause of clogged hypodermic needles discovered

by Werner Siefer, Paul Scherrer Institute A climate and vacuum chamber was custom-built for the experiments to condition the pre-filled syringes for neutron imaging. Credit: Paul Scherrer InstituteIn very rare cases, the needles of prefilled syringes may become blocked. This can have potentially detrimental consequences for patients if their medication does not enter the body or...

COVID-19: A potential treatment for loss of smell

COVID-19: A potential treatment for loss of smell

by INRAE—National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment Pathophysiological impact of early corticoid treatment on SARS-CoV-2 infection. (A) Experimental design to evaluate the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected hamsters with sub-cutaneous (SC) corticoid treatment started at 2 dpi until 11 dpi (days post infection) (B) Viral load in nasal swab collected from 1 to 5...

Study identifies multi-organ response to seven days without food

Study identifies multi-organ response to seven days without food

by Queen Mary, University of London Credit: CC0 Public DomainNew findings reveal that the body undergoes significant, systematic changes across multiple organs during prolonged periods of fasting. The results demonstrate evidence of health benefits beyond weight loss, but also show that any potentially health-altering changes appear to occur only after three days without food. The study,...

Brain Boost: Daily Fiber Supplement Improves Senior Cognition in Just 12 Weeks

Brain Boost: Daily Fiber Supplement Improves Senior Cognition in Just 12 Weeks

By KING’S COLLEGE LONDON A new research study found that daily fiber supplements can improve brain function in individuals over 60 in just 12 weeks, offering a cost-effective way to potentially counter early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Daily fiber supplements enhance brain function in seniors without affecting muscle strength, promising a simple dietary addition to combat...