Category: <span>Devices</span>

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A pacemaker for OBESITY? New implantable device promises to control how your stomach speaks to your brain

A pacemaker-like device has been invented to combat the obesity epidemic vBloc is inserted under the skin and attached to the Vagus nerves in the stomach It blocks communication between the stomach and brain to suppress appetite  Experts say this could help control the rapidly rising obesity rates in the US A new pacemaker-like device...


This $90 wristband zapped away our VR nausea

New Atlas tests a wearable that claims to reduce or cure nausea and motion sickness, pitting it against the most stomach-churning VR games   Before we’d tried much virtual reality, we imagined most VR experiences would involve physically sitting while virtually moving. Unfortunately, though, those kinds of games can trigger nausea for many (if not most)...


Locked-in man uses a mind-reading device to reject his daughter's boyfriend request to marry her, while also revealing he is HAPPY with his life

Brain-computer interface can detect blood oxygen levels and brain activity Participants were asked yes/no questions and asked to think the answer The device correctly relayed what they were thinking 70 per cent of the time A ‘mind-reading’ device has enabled a patient with locked-in syndrome to reject his daughter’s boyfriend request to marry her. The...


Financial ties between researchers and drug industry linked to positive trial results

Financial ties between researchers and companies that make the drugs they are studying are independently associated with positive trial results, suggesting bias in the evidence base, concludes a study published by The BMJ. Relationships with industry are common among investigators of randomised clinical trials (RCTs) — raising concerns about the effect that financial ties may have...


Don’t like blood? Neither does this potentially life-saving titanium

Drops of blood, plasma and water bead up when placed on the superhemophobic titanium(Credit: Colorado State University) When a medical implant such as a stent or catheter is rejected by the body, blood platelets adhere to the device, forming a clot that encapsulates it. Those clots can in turn lead to heart attacks, embolisms or infections....


Thync Relax: 10 days with the new “neuroscience” wearable

We take Thync’s second-gen product, Thync Relax, for a test-drive The original Thync was one of the most eyebrow-raising wearables of 2015. Sending electrical currents through your head to essentially zap your brain into either a calmer or more-energized mood, we saw it as a potential preview of a future where tech can replace drugs. While the...


Toward a ‘smart’ patch that automatically delivers insulin when needed

Tiny, painless microneedles on a patch can deliver insulin in response to rising glucose levels. Credit: American Chemical Society Treatment for certain diabetes cases involves constant monitoring of blood-glucose levels and daily insulin shots. But scientists are now developing a painless “smart” patch that monitors blood glucose and releases insulin when levels climb too high....