Category: <span>Inflammation</span>

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Exploring the frontiers of immunity and healing

Exploring the frontiers of immunity and healing

During a 1989 lecture at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Yale School of Medicine professor Charles Janeway, MD, hypothesized the existence of an innate immune system and special receptors on immune cells (currently known as toll-like receptors) that trigger the body’s response to infection. Janeway’s research later confirmed his insights, providing the...

Treating skin irritations from wearing face masks

Treating skin irritations from wearing face masks

by From Mayo Clinic News Network, Mayo Clinic News Network Since many people are wearing face masks because of COVID-19 pandemic requirements, skin irritations on the face might be more prevalent. “People are getting friction and irritation across their nasal bridge, behind their ears and perhaps under their chin,” says Dr. Dawn Davis, a Mayo...

COVID-19 cytokine storm: Possible mechanism for the deadly respiratory syndrome

COVID-19 cytokine storm: Possible mechanism for the deadly respiratory syndrome

by Hokkaido University Research into how the SARS-CoV-2 virus induces death is suggesting potential treatments for its most destructive complications. Leading immunologists in Japan are proposing a possible molecular mechanism that causes massive release of proinflammatory cytokines, or a cytokine storm, leading to the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in COVID-19 patients. Their suggestions, published...

Uncovering how ‘dark matter’ regions of the genome affect inflammatory diseases

Uncovering how ‘dark matter’ regions of the genome affect inflammatory diseases

by Babraham Institute A study led by researchers at the Babraham Institute in collaboration with the Wellcome Sanger Institute has uncovered how variations in a non-protein coding ‘dark matter’ region of the genome could make patients susceptible to complex autoimmune and allergic diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease. The study in mice and human cells...

Enzyme could hold key to improved allergy treatments

Enzyme could hold key to improved allergy treatments

A class of immune cells push themselves into an inflammatory state by producing large quantities of a serotonin-making enzyme, according to a study in mice led by scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine. The study, published in Immunity, found that the inflammatory and infection-fighting abilities of the cells, called type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s), are...

Temple finds link between blood vessel inflammation, malfunctioning cellular powerhouses

Temple finds link between blood vessel inflammation, malfunctioning cellular powerhouses

CREDIT: TEMPLE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (Philadelphia, PA) – The vast majority of cells in the human body contain tiny power plants known as mitochondria that generate much of the energy cells use for day-to-day activities. Like a dynamic renewable resource, these little power plants are constantly dividing and uniting in processes called fission and fusion....

NHS issues urgent alert amid spike in the number of children being admitted to intensive care with a new coronavirus-related ‘inflammatory syndrome’

NHS issues urgent alert amid spike in the number of children being admitted to intensive care with a new coronavirus-related ‘inflammatory syndrome’

By SAM BLANCHARD SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR MAILONLINE and STEPHEN MATTHEWS HEALTH EDITOR FOR MAILONLINE he illness is similar to COVID-19, doctors say, but some children test negative Children with the condition have been found to have swelling in their hearts Young people have been largely unaffected during the coronavirus pandemic Here’s how to help...