Category: <span>Metabolic</span>

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Study finds vitamin B12 is a key player in cellular reprogramming and tissue regeneration

Study finds vitamin B12 is a key player in cellular reprogramming and tissue regeneration

by Nahia Barberia, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) On the right, cells in the pancreas undergoing reprogramming; on the left, regular pancreas tissue. Credit: IRB BarcelonaVitamin B12 is a well-known micronutrient that has long been acknowledged for its essential role in maintaining nerve function, supporting red blood cell production, and facilitating DNA synthesis,...

Vegan diet fosters changes in gut microbiome that reduce hot flashes by 95%, finds new study

Vegan diet fosters changes in gut microbiome that reduce hot flashes by 95%, finds new study

by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Graphical Abstract. Credit: Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2023.103002 A low-fat vegan diet that includes soy fosters changes in the gut microbiome that decrease postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms, or hot flashes, overall by 95%, according to a new study by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. A vegan diet...

New research finds that 14-hour fasting improves hunger, mood and sleep

New research finds that 14-hour fasting improves hunger, mood and sleep

by King’s College London Credit: CC0 Public Domain Eating in a ten-hour window is associated with higher energy and mood and lower hunger levels, new results from the largest UK community science study of its kind shows. Results from the trial are presented today by researchers from King’s College London at the European Nutrition Conference in...

‘Metabolic elasticity’: New screening strategy, possible means to curb metabolic decline in aging and obesity

‘Metabolic elasticity’: New screening strategy, possible means to curb metabolic decline in aging and obesity

by Duke-NUS Medical School Credit: Cell Metabolism (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.08.001 Scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School, in collaboration with counterparts from Columbia University, have developed a new framework to measure metabolic health. The concept of “metabolic elasticity” paints a more comprehensive picture of how the body reacts to changes in the availability of food and how efficiently...


High metabolism is an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease, finds study

by Karolinska Institutet Credit: CC0 Public Domain An early phase in the process of developing Alzheimer’s disease is a metabolic increase in a part of the brain called the hippocampus, report researchers from Karolinska Institutet in a study published in Molecular Psychiatry. The discovery opens up for new potential methods of early intervention. Alzheimer’s disease is...

We can’t defeat cancer without acknowledging the differences between men and women, say scientists

We can’t defeat cancer without acknowledging the differences between men and women, say scientists

by Isy Godfrey, Institute of Cancer Research The complex tumour immune microenvironment in patient samples of muscle-invasive bladder cancer, captured using develop a new multiplex immunofluorescence panel. Credit: Integrative Pathology Unit at The ICR and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation TrustFor generations, the medical community has used the “standard human”—a 70-kilogram male—to guide education, research and...

Common hormone could hold key to treating endometrial cancer

Common hormone could hold key to treating endometrial cancer

by Medical Research Council Credit: iScience (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106590New research from QIMR Berghofer has found that the hormone testosterone may play an important role in the development of endometrial cancer. The discovery raises exciting new possibilities for screening, preventing and fighting this increasingly prevalent disease. Endometrial cancer is the fourth most common cancer in Australian...

New link found between diabetes and steatotic liver disease

New link found between diabetes and steatotic liver disease

by University of Montreal Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainCanadian scientists have found a new link between two major metabolic diseases: diabetes and steatotic liver disease, commonly known as fatty liver disease. Published in Diabetes, research into the two diseases by Université de Montréal medical professor Jennifer Estall and her team at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM)...


Scientists Find the ‘On’ Switch for Energy-Burning Brown Fat

Courtney Southwick October 17, 2023 A process your body uses to stay warm in cool weather could one day lead to new therapies for obesity. Scientists have, for the first time, mapped the precise nerve pathways that activate brown fat, or brown adipose tissue (BAT), a specialized fat that generates heat. Low temperatures kick brown fat into...

Researchers uncover mechanism that may explain why some people can’t stop binging on unhealthy foods

Researchers uncover mechanism that may explain why some people can’t stop binging on unhealthy foods

by Buck Institute for Research on Aging Credit: CC0 Public DomainPeople overeat and become overweight for a variety of reasons. The fact that flavorful high-calorie food is often available nearly everywhere at any time doesn’t help. Buck researchers have determined for the first time why certain chemicals in cooked or processed foods, called advanced glycation...