Posted by Kathleen Hoffman on Feb 19, 2021
Lots of people take dietary supplements. Unfortunately, they are not all that their producers claim.
A previous post notified readers of FDA warnings to dietary supplement producers. Today another dietary supplement warning has come out and it is especially pertinent as so many of us are experiencing sadness and depression due to social distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic. The supplements that have been identified as making false claims are produced by: “Enlifta LLC; Lifted Naturals; Mountain Peak Nutritionals; SANA Group LLC.; Wholesome Wellness; Dr. Garber’s Natural Solutions; ProHealth Inc.; Blossom Nature LLC; FDC Nutrition Inc.; and Silver Star Brands, Inc.” [1]
These companies make claims like “The Only Doctor Designed Depression Pill…Depression Supplement – Best Natural Antidepressant” or “the ONLY prebiotic that’s been proven to help with anxiety.” Another supplement states that its St. John’s Wort Extract is “Effective for mild to moderate depression” and “reduces anxiety.” Still another says it, “”Relieves feelings of depression” “Regulates disturbed sleep patterns (insomnia or hypersomnia)” “Improves disturbed appetite (loss of appetite or binge eating)”
Yet as the FDA clearly states in their announcement and letters to these companies; these statements are NOT proven.
Many of these supplements are sold online on their own websites and also on Amazon. FDA warns that there is potential for interactions with prescribed medications, and, since these are untested, there may be side effects, either immediate or long term.
As the FDA states, “if claims sound too good to be true, they probably are.”
Feature Image: Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
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