What can’t graphene do? You can scratch “detect cancer” off of that list. By interfacing brain cells onto graphene, researchers...
A faster way to diagnose dementia? Measuring levels of a chemical linked to type 2 diabetes in the brain could spot onset of the disease
High levels of autotaxin are found in the brains of obese adults, a study found However, large quantities are...
Predicting throat cancer recurrence with a blood test
Study identifies a biomarker that rises just before patients’ cancer comes back — which could provide a window for earlier...
Could this £5 blood test predict a heart attack 15 years early? Scientists say it could help doctors spot high-risk patients
When heart muscle is damaged it leaks a protein called troponin into the blood Testing for this protein can...
First use of graphene to detect cancer cells
What can’t graphene do? You can scratch “detect cancer” off of that list. By interfacing brain cells onto graphene, researchers at the...
Living Bandage: Researchers Trial New Stem Cell Therapy For Knee Injuries On Humans
A new treatment for meniscal tears based on stem cells has just been used for the first time on human subjects, with...
Want to improve your memory? A morning jog could help – it stimulates your brain and keeps you alert
Keynotes: Part of the brain responsible for alertness is activated during a run, a study found New research also found...
ME & MY OPERATION: The pioneering stem cell procedure that can restore movement after a stroke
Tens of thousands of people each year are left paralysed to some degree by a stroke. Billy Elder, 63, from...
Understanding REM: When dreams and paralysis are uncoupled
During rapid eye movement sleep, most of us slip into a state of paralysis. Individuals with rapid eye movement sleep...
Artificial leaf copies nature to manufacture medicine
Dutch scientists have developed an artificial leaf that can act as a mini-factory for producing drugs, an advance that could...