Tag: <span>2 Supplements</span>

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What’s in the supplements that claim to help you cut down on bathroom breaks? And do they work?

by Nial Wheate, The Conversation Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain With one in four Australian adults experiencing problems with incontinence, some people look to supplements for relief. With ingredients such as pumpkin seed oil and soybean extract, a range of products promise relief from frequent bathroom trips. But do they really work? Let’s sift through the claims and see...


 Turmeric and black pepper supplements linked to liver injury in some people

Research shows that turmeric supplements may have adverse effects. Santiago Urquijo/Getty ImagesThe spice turmeric is a popular food supplement due to a molecule it contains called curcumin, which acts as a strong antioxidant.it is also thought that it could be used to treat or prevent inflammatory conditions.Turmeric’s use has grown in popularity in the past...


Researchers detect hidden ingredients and questionable claims in supplements

by Chapman University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A recent study published in Phytochemical Analysis, conducted by Schmid College of Science and Technology Professor Rosalee Hellberg and students Calin Harris, Diane Kim, Miranda Miranda and Chevon Jordan, reveals that some supplement companies may mislead customers with unproven health claims and undeclared ingredients. The researchers focused on...