by Ernie Mundell Of course grief can ravage your mind, but science shows it can also weaken your body, leaving you open to illness. “As humans, we are strongly motivated to seek out social bonds that are warm, dependable, friendly and supportive,” explained George Slavich. He directs the Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research at...
Tag: <span>Affecting You</span>
Onion Sensitivity: What It Is, And How It Could Already Be Affecting You
By Elisa ShoenbergerDec 7, 2022, 05:45 AM EST ISRAEL SEBASTIAN VIA GETTY IMAGES Onions are found in most cuisines across the world. They’re cheap, they have a good shelf life and they grow year-round. About 6.75 billion pounds of onion are produced each year just in the United States, according to Colorado State University’s food...