Tag: <span>Aged fall</span>

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Serious falls are a health risk for adults under 65

YALE UNIVERSITY New Haven, Conn. — Adults who take several prescription medications are more likely to experience serious falls, say Yale researchers and their co-authors in a new study. This heightened risk can affect middle-aged individuals — a population not typically viewed as vulnerable to debilitating or fatal falls, the researchers said. To identify factors...


Simple Ways To Prevent Falls In Older Adults

As we age, the risk of falling increases and becomes increasingly perilous. A fall can be a real health set-back for a frail, elderly person. And, more older adults are dying from falls today than they used to 20 years ago. A recent study showed that more than 25,000 U.S. adults aged 75 years or...


How old is too old for surgery, and why?

Many of us will have been in situations with older loved ones where a doctor says surgery is too risky given the patient‘s advanced age. Why is it surgery becomes risky in the elderly, and is it based on chronological age or their health? Many changes in the body occur in response to the injury and...


Home sensors that can predict when an elderly person will have a fall 3 WEEKS before they have the accident

Infra-red monitors can detect subtle changes in the health of elderly people Sensors are placed in each room of the house and monitor walking speed Experts say it allows medical personnel to intervene before a collapse happens People can live longer independently for 2.5 extra years by using it, study finds When elderly people fall...