External Inbox Search for all messages with label Inbox Remove label Inbox from this conversation Summarise this email March 5, 2025 02:00 AM ESTUpdated 06:26 AM R&DUK biotech unveils early data for antibiotic in chronic back painAyisha SharmaNews ReporterPersica Pharmaceuticals said it has promising Phase 1b results that support its approach of using a two-dose...
Tag: <span>antibiotics</span>
Synthetic microbiome therapy suppresses bacterial infection without antibiotics
by Pennsylvania State University Credit: CC0 Public Domain A synthetic microbiome therapy, tested in mice, protects against severe symptoms of a gut infection that is notoriously difficult-to-treat and potentially life-threatening in humans, according to a team of researchers at Penn State. The team developed the treatment for Clostridioides difficile, or C. difficile, a bacterium that can...
Antibiotics of the future are prone to bacterial resistance
Peer-Reviewed Publication HUN-REN Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont FacebookXLinkedInWeChatBlueskyMessageWhatsAppEmail image: Top row, from left to right: Márton Simon Czikkely, MD; Ana Martins, PhD; Zoltán Farkas, PhD. Bottom row, from left to right: Petra Szili, PhD; Lejla Daruka, PhDview more Credit: Petra Szili Researchers from the HUN-REN Biological Research Centre, Szeged (Hungary), have made a concerning discovery about the future of antibiotics. Two...
New computer models open door to far more targeted antibiotics
Peer-Reviewed Publication University of Virginia Health System image: “Many biomedical challenges are incredibly complex, and computer models are emerging as a powerful tool for tackling such problems,” said researcher Jason Papin, PhD, of the University of Virginia’s Department of Biomedical Engineering. “We’re hopeful that these computer models of the molecular networks in bacteria will help...
Bacteria ditch tags to dodge antibiotics
Modified ribosomes could be a new possible mechanism of antibiotic resistancePeer-Reviewed Publication Center for Genomic Regulation image: Colourised scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli, grown in culture and adhered to a cover slip.view more Credit: NIAID Bacteria modify their ribosomes when exposed to widely used antibiotics, according to research published today in Nature Communications. The subtle changes...
Antibiotics alone for treatment of children with appendicitis is cost-effective and safe alternative to surgery
by American College of Surgeons Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Using antibiotics alone to treat children with uncomplicated appendicitis is a cost-saving alternative to surgery, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Appendicitis is the fifth most common reason for hospitalization among children in the U.S., and appendectomy is the most common surgical...
Common antibiotics carry small but serious risks of life-threatening drug reactions, but some are safer than others
News Release 8-Aug-2024 Peer-Reviewed PublicationInstitute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences image: Common antibiotics carry serious riskof life-threatening drug reactions,but safer options exist Credit: ICES Toronto, ON, May 15, 2024 – Two classes of commonly prescribed oral antibiotics are associated with the greatest risk for severe drug rashes that can lead to emergency department visits, hospitalizations and...
Most kids get antibiotics for pink eye, study shows. Experts say they’re usually not needed
JUNE 28, 2024 by Devi Shastri This microscope photo provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows gram-negative, Haemophilus influenzae bacteria. The microorganism is one of the more common causes of pink eye in children. Credit: William B. Cherry/CDC via APDoctors are prescribing antibiotics to most kids and teens who have pink eye,...
Arrangement of Bacteria in Biofilms Affects Their Sensitivity to Antibiotics
Bacteria are traditionally imagined as single-cell organisms, spread out sparsely over surfaces or suspended in liquids, but in many environments the true bacterial mode of growth is in sticky clusters called biofilms.Biofilm formation can be useful to humans—it is integral, for example, to producing kombucha tea. But it is more often problematic because it makes...
Should You Take Probiotics With Antibiotics? Here’s What the Research Shows
Written by Karen Hovav, MD, FAAP | Reviewed by Katie E. Golden, MD Key takeaways: fotostorm/E+ via Getty Images If you’re prescribed an antibiotic, you might be told it’s a good idea to start taking a probiotic as well. But others might tell you the opposite: You should stop using probiotics when you’re taking an antibiotic. So, what...