Tag: <span>bacterial growth</span>

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Lupus flare-ups strongly linked to specific bacterial growth in gut

Lupus flare-ups strongly linked to specific bacterial growth in gut

by NYU Langone Health Illustration of bacteria in the human gut. Credit: Darryl Leja, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health Recurrent bouts of systemic lupus erythematosus, marked by the body’s immune system attack of its own tissues, closely tracked with measureable upticks in growth in the gut of a certain species of bacteria. New research from NYU...

Flow velocity in the gut regulates nutrient absorption and bacterial growth

Flow velocity in the gut regulates nutrient absorption and bacterial growth

by  Technical University Munich Gut motility determines flows. (a) The gut is a muscular tube, whose motility patterns induce flows that affect the abundance of nutrients and bacteria. Abundances, in turn, feed back on motility. (b) Mathematical notation. (c) and (d) In vitro spatiotemporal map of the contraction amplitude observed for the small intestine of mice,...