Tag: <span>Colon Cancer</span>

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Don’t skip colonoscopy for new blood-based colon cancer screening, study says

by Stanford University Medical Center Credit: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels Newly available blood tests to screen for colorectal cancer sound far more appealing than a standard colonoscopy. Instead of clearing your bowels and undergoing an invasive procedure, the tests require only a simple blood draw. But are the tests effective? A study led by researchers at...

FDA panel gives nod to blood test for colon cancer

FDA panel gives nod to blood test for colon cancer

MAY 26, 2024 by Robin Foster A U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel on Thursday recommended the approval of a new blood test that can spot colon cancer. The panel voted 7-2 that the benefits outweighed the risks when using the Guardant Health’s Shield test for colon cancer. “The advisory committee’s strong support for...

Do I need a colonoscopy? Explore an at-home colon cancer screening option

Do I need a colonoscopy? Explore an at-home colon cancer screening option

by Melissa Moore, Rush University Medical Center Credit: Teona Swift from PexelsWe know that a colonoscopy is the most effective tool for the early detection and prevention of colon cancer. But anyone who has ever had a colonoscopy also knows that it’s not necessarily something to look forward to. “Many patients are hesitant to undergo this...

Research suggests natural compound could be promising new alternative treatment for colon cancer

Research suggests natural compound could be promising new alternative treatment for colon cancer

by University of Portsmouth Schisandrin B inhibits the proliferation of human colon cancer cells. Credit: ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acsptsci.4c00009A new study has discovered a naturally occurring compound found in fruit has the potential to be an effective alternative treatment for colon cancer. The disease, which affects the large intestine, remains a significant...

Mucus contains vital data to help address diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer

Mucus contains vital data to help address diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer

by University of British Columbia Visualizing and quantifying mucus barrier functions on fecal sections. a. Processing scheme for processing feces for mucus analysis in situ. b. Tiled cross-section of healthy human feces (upper) and mouse feces (lower) dual stained with FISH probes (red) and a rabbit polyclonal antibody targeting human MUC2 (see Methods; green). c. Quantitative...

Study shows physical activity prevents, not just delays, cancer recurrence in patients previously treated for colon cancer

Study shows physical activity prevents, not just delays, cancer recurrence in patients previously treated for colon cancer

PENNINGTON BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER IMAGE: PENNINGTON BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER’S DR. JUSTIN BROWN CREDIT: PENNINGTON BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER BATON ROUGE – Researchers, led by Pennington Biomedical Research Center’s Dr. Justin Brown, have found that physical activity can prevent, and not just delay, cancer recurrence in patients previously treated for colon cancer. “In this observational study of patients with stage III colon...

AI with infrared imaging enables precise colon cancer diagnostics

AI with infrared imaging enables precise colon cancer diagnostics

RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM IMAGE: KLAUS GERWERT, STEPHANIE SCHÖRNER AND FREDERIK GROSSERÜSCHKAMP (FROM LEFT) WANT TO USE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO IMPROVE THE DIAGNOSIS OF COLON CANCER CREDIT: © RUB, MARQUARD The immense progress in the field of therapy options over the past years has significantly improved the chances of cure for patients with colon cancer. However, these...

Deep learning model aids differentiation of colon cancer, acute diverticulitis

Deep learning model aids differentiation of colon cancer, acute diverticulitis

by Elana Gotkine  A three-dimensional (3-D) convolutional neural network (CNN) can be used as an artificial intelligence (AI) support system for differentiating colon carcinoma (CC) and acute diverticulitis (AD) on computed tomography (CT) images, according to a study published online Jan. 27 in JAMA Network Open. Sebastian Ziegelmayer, M.D., from the Technical University of Munich in...

Study identifies new gene that drives colon cancer

Study identifies new gene that drives colon cancer

by The Mount Sinai Hospital Recurrently dysregulated super-enhancers in CRC patients. a Study overview. Figure adapted from SMART Servier Medical Art, reproduced with permission, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported license. b PCA of H3K27ac signal at 2026 SEs in CRC (n = 15 independent tissue samples), normal mucosa (n = 15), crypts (n = 4), and FAP adenomas (n = 2). c, d GSEA between SE proximal...



The controversy stems from a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine on a large Nordic-European clinical trial. National news articles covering the study highlighted a finding that colonoscopies only cut the risk of colon cancer by about 18% and didn’t substantially reduce deaths—which is far different than previous multiple studies showing that colonoscopy does,...