Tag: <span>DNA</span>

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Greedy for glucose: Cancer cells rely on a primeval energy-producing pathway to proliferate and spread

Greedy for glucose: Cancer cells rely on a primeval energy-producing pathway to proliferate and spread

by Delthia Ricks , Medical Xpress To fuel their rapid proliferation, tumor cells rely on glycolysis, a primordial metabolic pathway that is easily exploited by cancers to gain energy to grow—and spread. Glycolysis is the oldest form of energy production in living cells. It has been around for billions of years, having emerged before oxygen...


The self-synthesizing ribosome

As the cell’s protein factory, the ribosome is the only natural machine that manufactures its own parts. That is why understanding how the machine, itself, is made, could unlock the door to everything from understanding how life develops to designing new methods of drug production. An intensive, long research effort at the Weizmann Institute of...

Alleviating Effects of Muscular Dystrophy

Alleviating Effects of Muscular Dystrophy

By Reginald Davey Reviewed by Michael Greenwood, M.Sc. Muscular dystrophy is a debilitating muscle disorder that causes a gradual weakening of the muscles in sufferers worldwide. Alleviating the adverse effects of the disorder are of concern to researchers and health professionals worldwide. What is muscular dystrophy? Muscular dystrophy affects approximately 1 in 3,500 male births....

Genome-wide pattern found in tumors from brain cancer patients predicts life expectancy

Genome-wide pattern found in tumors from brain cancer patients predicts life expectancy

by University of Utah Health Sciences In her Genomic Signal Processing Lab, Alter develops new mathematical methods that are uniquely suited for personalized medicine. Credit: Nathan L. Galli, University of Utah For the past 70 years, the best indicator of life expectancy for a patient with glioblastoma (GBM)—the most common and the most aggressive brain...


New research into stem cell mutations could improve regenerative medicine

New research from the University of Sheffield into stem cells could help make regenerative medicine safer Regenerative medicine involves using pluripotent stem cells to repair damaged or diseased tissues in the body The new research has suggested ways to reduce the likelihood of mutations occurring in these cells when cultured. Research from the University of...

First Epigenetic Study in 3D Human Cancer Cells

First Epigenetic Study in 3D Human Cancer Cells

Frequently, promising cancer therapies fail when applied to patients in the real clinical setting. This occurs despite many of these new treatments demonstrating promising results at the preclinical stage in the lab. One explanation is that many of the tumor models used in early research phases are established cell lines that have been growing for...



Two important functions of the protein RTEL1 during cancer cell division could help pinpoint new cancer treatments, researchers report. One of the body’s most important processes is cell division, which occurs throughout life. Normal cells only have a limited number of divisions, while in cancer cells the cell division goes awry and is uncontrollable. Therefore,...