by University of Bristol Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Children who consumed the least amounts of seafood at 7-years-old were likely to be less “prosocial” at ages 7 and 9 years than those who regularly consumed seafood, according to a new study published in the European Journal of Nutrition. Prosocial behavior includes friendly interactions, altruism, and sharing. Seafood is a...
Tag: <span>fish</span>
Eating more fish could reel in heart disease risks, new meta-analysis shows
By Pooja Toshniwal PahariaOct 30 2023Reviewed by Susha Cheriyedath, M.Sc. In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers performed a meta-analysis to determine the association between fish consumption and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.The Importance of Diet in Cardiovascular Health Studies show that unhealthy dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles contribute to the high mortality...
People who eat more fish have fewer signs of vascular disease in the brain
by Alzheimer’s Research UK Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Researchers in France have found a link between eating more fish and a lower risk of vascular brain disease. Vascular brain disease involves damage to blood vessels in the brain and is a risk factor for vascular dementia and stroke. The research is published today in the...
Can we eat fish sustainably and maintain health benefits?
As many people try to improve their diet by cutting down on red meat, fish seems like a good healthy option. However, the sustainability of eating fish has increasingly been called into question. Here, we investigate the health claims and arguments for and against eating fish and explore some alternatives. Share on Pinterest Fish can...
Study finds two servings of fish per week can help prevent recurrent heart disease
by McMaster University Credit: CC0 Public Domain An analysis of several large studies involving participants from more than 60 countries, spearheaded by researchers from McMaster University, has found that eating oily fish regularly can help prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) in high-risk individuals, such as those who already have heart disease or stroke. The critical ingredient is...
A substantial benefit from replacing steak with fish
by Technical University of Denmark The average Dane will gain a health benefit from substituting part of the red and processed meat in their diet with fish, according to calculations from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark. Men over 50 and women of childbearing age in particular would benefit from such a change in diet. In a Ph.D. study...
A couple of fishy meals a week may keep the asthma away
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation, and asthma involves an inflammation of the airways. Would eating omega-3-rich fish therefore help reduce the severity of asthma? A new study indicates that the answer is likely Yes. Image: Eating plenty of fatty fish could help minimize asthma symptoms(Credit:svariophoto/Depositphotos) Led by registered dietician Maria Papamichael from Australia’s La Trobe University,...
Omega-3-derived cannabinoid may stop cancer
New research suggests that the body’s natural pain-killer, the “endocannabinoid system,” may also have cancer-fighting properties when “activated” by omega-3 fatty acids. Our bodies have an “endogenous,” or “built-in,” pain-killing system named after the cannabis plant: the endogenous cannabinoid system, otherwise known as the endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids are molecules that, together with their receptors, can...