Tag: <span>influenza virus</span>

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New compound inhibits influenza virus replication

New compound inhibits influenza virus replication

by University of Bonn The host RNA is methylated by MTr1 to a mature cap1 RNA. The influenza virus snatches the cap part of the mature host RNA to start viral replication. MTr1-deficient cells or cells treated with MTr1 inhibitors do not lead to IAV replication. Credit: Yuta Tsukamoto/UKB Viruses use the molecular repertoire of...

Computer Model of Influenza Virus Shows Universal Vaccine Promise

Computer Model of Influenza Virus Shows Universal Vaccine Promise

By Michelle Franklin – m1franklin@ucsd.edu According to the World Health Organization, each year there are an estimated 1 billion cases of influenza, between 3-5 million severe cases and up to 650,000 influenza-related respiratory deaths globally. Seasonal flu vaccines must be reformulated each year to match the predominantly circulating strains. When the vaccine matches the predominant...

No more flu for you? Discovery blocks influenza virus’ replication in cells

No more flu for you? Discovery blocks influenza virus’ replication in cells

by Holly Ober, University of California – Riverside This digitally-colorized transmission electron microscopic image depicts the ultrastructural details of an influenza virus particle. Credit: CDC, Frederick Murphy It happens every year, especially in winter. A virus saunters into your wide-open respiratory tract, worms its way into lung cells, and, next thing you know, you’re lying...