Tag: <span>Macrophages</span>

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Morning Macrophage Activity Optimizes Inflammation Control

Anke Brodmerkel January 28, 2025 05 Inflammasomes are more active in the morning than the rest of the day. Macrophage activity, which regulates inflammation, is influenced by the biologic clock in the body. A team led by Annie Curtis, PhD, associate professor at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences at the Royal College of Surgeons in...

Light-activated macrophages show increased appetite for cancer cells

Light-activated macrophages show increased appetite for cancer cells

August 12, 2024 by University of California – Santa Barbara Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainThe body has a veritable army constantly on guard to keep us safe from microscopic threats from infections to cancer. Chief among these forces is the macrophage, a white blood cell that surveils tissues and consumes pathogens, debris, dead cells, and cancer....

Enzyme checkpoint identified in tumor-associated macrophages

Enzyme checkpoint identified in tumor-associated macrophages

by University of Vienna Immunofluorescence image of the expression of PHGDH (red) and CD3 T cells (green) in cryosectioned AE17 mesothelioma. Credit: Zhengnan CaiA study by a scientific team from the University of Vienna and the MedUni Vienna, recently published in Cellular & Molecular Immunology, shows that the enzyme phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH) acts as a metabolic...


Microbubble macrophages track tumors

by Acoustical Society of America Attaching microbubbles to macrophages can create high-resolution and sensitive tracking images useful for disease diagnosis. Credit: Ashley Alva Macrophages, a type of white blood cell, defend the body by engulfing and digesting foreign particles, such as bacteria, viruses, and dead cells. The immune cells also tend to accumulate in solid...

Scientists identify a new therapeutic target in macrophages for the treatment of obesity-related diseases

Scientists identify a new therapeutic target in macrophages for the treatment of obesity-related diseases

by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.)  Electron microscopy images of lung macrophages in a normal mouse (left) and in a mouse deficient for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (right). mn obtenida por microscopia electrónica de un macrófago pulmonar de un ratón normal (izquierda) y un macrófago con deficiencia en la fosforilación oxidativa mitocondrial (derecha)....

Macrophages grown for long periods in the lab can function normally when transferred back into the body

Macrophages grown for long periods in the lab can function normally when transferred back into the body

by Dresden University of Technology Alveolar macrophages are the immune cells that specifically live in the lung air sacs, here visible as red dots in an otherwise transparent mouse lung. Credit: Sara Gholamhosseinian Najjar and Michaela Burkon Macrophages are immune cells crucial for immune response, tissue repair, and the removal of cancer cells. Scientists see...

Drug that targets macrophages offers new hope to select patients with ALS

Drug that targets macrophages offers new hope to select patients with ALS

by Suzanne Leigh, University of California, San Francisco NP001 targets macrophages, a type of immune cell implicated in the destruction of neurons. Credit: Michael S. McGrath, MD, PhD A new drug has been found to slow or temporarily stall the progression of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) in a select group of patients. The drug, a...

Macrophages in the artery wall ‘smell’ their surroundings

Macrophages in the artery wall ‘smell’ their surroundings

by La Jolla Institute for Immunology Credit: CC0 Public Domain An artery is not like a nose. Or is it? Scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) have discovered that immune cells in arteries can “sniff” out their surroundings and cause inflammation. “Smelly molecules can be pro-inflammatory,” says study leader LJI Professor Klaus Ley,...

Macrophages play key role in lung damage during COVID-19

Macrophages play key role in lung damage during COVID-19

by  The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Identification of distinct macrophage subtypes that trigger lung damage during SARS-CoV-2 infection. Credit: The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) A KAIST immunology research team found that a specific subtype of macrophages that originated from blood monocytes plays a key role in the hyper-inflammatory response in...

RUDN University biologists prove the anticancer potential of macrophages

RUDN University biologists prove the anticancer potential of macrophages

RUDN UNIVERSITY IMAGE: RUDN University biologists discovered the way how macrophages (the cells of the “first line” immune response) respond to inflammation and identified how the immune response depends on their origin. It turned out that when exposed to an inflammatory stimulus, two opposing mechanisms are activated in macrophages simultaneously — inducing and inhibiting inflammation....