Tag: <span>Mental Health</span>

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Wearables can assess mental health, boost access to care

Wearables can assess mental health, boost access to care

By Paul McClure May 03, 2023 A new study has found that data passively collected by wearable devices such as the Apple Watch can be used to evaluate psychological well-being Depositphotos We all know that wearable devices can collect health-related data: the number of steps taken, floors climbed, calories burned, sleep time, and heart rate,...

Good sleep is key to pre-teen mental health, confirms study

Good sleep is key to pre-teen mental health, confirms study

by Rebecca Cooper, University of Melbourne Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain For many kids, the period between childhood and early adolescence can be difficult. This transitional period is commonly known as “pre-adolescence” and can be a vulnerable time for the development of mental health problems, like anxiety and depression. So many of our young adolescents need support to navigate...

How high blood pressure affects mental health

How high blood pressure affects mental health

by Max Planck Society Mental health and that of our cardiovascular system have a complex interaction. Credit: Blueastro/Shutterstock.com Our mental health and that of our cardiovascular system have a complex interaction. A recent study from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) in Leipzig, Germany, now shows the links between higher...

Exercise more effective than medicines to manage mental health, says study

Exercise more effective than medicines to manage mental health, says study

by University of South Australia Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain University of South Australia researchers are calling for exercise to be a mainstay approach for managing depression as a new study shows that physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counseling or the leading medications. Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the review is the most...

Mystical and insightful psychedelic experience may improve mental health

Mystical and insightful psychedelic experience may improve mental health

by Emily Caldwell, The Ohio State University Credit: CC0 Public Domain A more mystical and insightful psychedelic drug experience may be linked to an enduring reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms, according to a new study. Researchers conducted a machine learning analysis of data from nearly 1,000 respondents to a survey about their previous non-clinical experiences...

Dementia: Could poor mental health in middle age increase risk?

Dementia: Could poor mental health in middle age increase risk?

Psychological health may have a bigger impact on dementia risk than previously thought. SolStock/Getty Images Researchers followed 67,688 individuals over an average period of 25 years to better understand the link between symptoms of dementia and psychological distress (stress, depressive mood, exhaustion, and nervousness). The researchers found that psychological distress symptoms are associated with an...

The link between mental health and ADHD is strong—so why aren’t we paying attention?

The link between mental health and ADHD is strong—so why aren’t we paying attention?

by University of Bath Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Adults with high levels of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms are more likely to experience anxiety and depression than adults with high levels of autistic traits, according to new research led by psychologists at the University of Bath in the UK. This study is the first to...

Most young people who leave mental health services may not see a worsening of symptoms

Most young people who leave mental health services may not see a worsening of symptoms

by University of Warwick Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Most young people who stop using childhood and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) after reaching the upper age limit of CAMHS do not see a decline in their symptoms, research has found. The study, published today in The Lancet Psychiatry, involved scientists from Universities across Europe, including the...

Long-term physical and mental health outcomes after COVID-19 occur in all ages

Long-term physical and mental health outcomes after COVID-19 occur in all ages

by Public Library of Science Researchers find long-term physical and mental health outcomes after COVID-19 occur in all ages. Credit: Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash (CC0, creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) Following COVID-19 infection, there is significant new onset morbidity in children, adolescents and adults across 13 distinct diagnosis and symptom complexes, according to a new study publishing November 10 in the...


Fitness trackers reveal links between exercise, memory, and mental health

DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Exercise can improve your cognitive and mental health — but not all forms and intensities of exercise affect the brain equally. The effects of exercise are much more nuanced, as specific intensities of exercise over a long period of time are associated with different aspects of memory and mental health, according to a...