by D. Scott Peterson, Constructor University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious mental health condition that impacts individuals of all ages, including children and adolescents. Early detection and diagnosis, especially at an earlier age, is crucial for effective prevention and treatment. But current methods remain challenging. Dr. Amir Jahanian-Najafabadi from Constructor...
Tag: <span>Neuropsychiatric</span>
Study explores link between people’s professions and their genetic predisposition to neuropsychiatric traits
by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical Xpress Matrix of meta-analyzed PGS-profession association estimates. Meta-analysis (fixed-effect inverse-variance weighted) of associations between neuropsychiatric trait PGS and distinct profession categories in all individuals (ALL; n = 421,889) of European ancestry, as estimated by logistic regression in both cohorts (MVP and UKBB; professioni ~ PGSj + age + age2 +...
Researchers identify link that plays a role in regulating neuropsychiatric brain disorders
by McKenzie Harris, Florida State University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Florida State University researchers have identified a link between two key parts of the brain that play significant roles in conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia and depression. Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Wen Li and psychology doctoral candidate Kevin Clancy...
New Interneuron
Neuropsychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and autism are a complex interplay of brain chemicals, environment and genetics and require careful study to understand the root causes. Scientists have traditionally relied on samples taken from mice and nonhuman primates to study how these diseases develop, but the question has lingered: Are the brains of these subjects...