Tag: <span>Pneumonia</span>

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Scientists improve recommendations on antibiotic treatment of children pneumonia

Scientists improve recommendations on antibiotic treatment of children pneumonia

Pneumonia (sometimes called chest infection) is a fairly common illness, especially for small children. It is commonly treated with the antibiotic drug amoxicillin and usually ends without complications. However, doctors haven’t been completely sure about the duration of antibiotic treatment and what dose should be used. A new CAP-IT trial led by UCL researchers found...

Study identifies new potential drug target for pneumonia

Study identifies new potential drug target for pneumonia

by Karolinska Institutet Effects of IL-26 on the activation state of neutrophils exposed to Klebsiella pneumoniae. Human blood neutrophils were exposed to live Klebsiella pneumoniae (multiplicity infection (MOI); 0.01) with and without additional stimulation by rhIL-26 (10 and 50 ng/mL) for 3 hours. The expression of CD11b, CD66b and p38 MAPK was assessed using flow...

How to protect your kids from RSV

How to protect your kids from RSV

by Sean McTigue,  University of Kentucky Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is on the rise in Kentucky. For most people, including children, RSV will cause a common cold-like illness and will recover in a week or two. But a small percentage of infants and younger children may become more ill and need...

Viral vs Bacterial Pneumonia

Viral vs Bacterial Pneumonia

By Clare Knight, B.Sc. Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc. What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is an infection of one or both lungs which affects alveoli, the tiny sacs found in clusters at the end of the branching structure of airways (respiratory tree) that supply air to the lungs. Alveoli have very thin walls and are surrounded...

Starving the bacterium that causes pneumonia

Starving the bacterium that causes pneumonia

by Florienne Loder,  University of Melbourne Structure of the S. pneumoniae manganese transporter including the transmembrane regions (blue), the energy driving domains (pink), and the membrane lipids as pale grey with pale orange heads. The yellow sections represent the position of the manganese-specific gating residues. Credit: Hugo MacDermott-Opeskin, Megan O’Mara, and Christopher McDevitt The invitations, decorations,...

New clinical practice guideline on community acquired pneumonia

New clinical practice guideline on community acquired pneumonia

by  American Thoracic Society Credit: CC0 Public Domain In its latest clinical practice guideline on community-acquired pneumonia the American Thoracic Society’s guidelines panel addresses the use of nucleic acid-based testing for non-influenza viral pathogens. The guideline was published online in the May 1 issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Community-acquired pneumonia is caused by a...

Five days of antibiotics fine for children with pneumonia

Five days of antibiotics fine for children with pneumonia

by  McMaster University Associate professor of pediatrics of McMaster’s Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine and an infectious disease pediatrician for Hamilton Health Sciences. Credit: McMaster University Many parents know the struggle of having to make children with pneumonia finish the usual 10-day course in antibiotics despite the child feeling better after a few days of...