by University of Leicester DNA, which has a double-helix structure, can have many genetic mutations and variations. Credit: NIH The effectiveness of a common drug to quit smoking could be down to people’s genes, according to a study from the University of Leicester (United Kingdom). Varenicline is widely recognized as the most effective medication for helping...
Tag: <span>Smoking</span>
Heavy smokers can benefit from lung cancer screening using low-dose CT
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Lung cancer screening using low-dose computed tomography (CT) offers more benefits than harms for heavy active and former smokers: The procedure can prevent some people from dying from lung cancer and may also prolong overall survival. This conclusion was already drawn in the benefit assessment published by the German Institute for Quality and...
Smokers have a higher level of harmful oral bacteria, study finds
A recent report by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 8 million people die annually from smoking related complications. Despite efforts by governments and various organizations to create awareness about the dangers, around 1.3 billion people still use some form of tobacco and 80% of them live in low to middle income countries. There is no safe level of smoking. Even second-hand...
Study: Quitting smoking nearly halves heart attack risk, cutting down does little
August 29, 2024 by European Society of Cardiology Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAccording to research presented today at ESC Congress 2024 patients with stable coronary artery disease who quit smoking at any timepoint after their diagnosis reduced their risk of a major event by almost 50%. In contrast, there was minimal impact on cardiovascular risk in...
Second-hand vaping exposure very low compared to second-hand smoking
NEWS RELEASE 11-JUL-2024 Children exposed to vaping indoors absorb less than one seventh the amount of nicotine as children who are exposed to indoor smoking, but more than those exposed to neither, according to a new study led by UCL researchers. Peer-Reviewed PublicationUNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Children exposed to vaping indoors absorb less than one seventh...
Smoking a key lifestyle factor linked to cognitive decline among older adults
NEWS RELEASE 5-JUL-2024 The study, published in Nature Communications, analysed data from 32,000 adults aged 50 or over from 14 European countries who responded to surveys over 10 years. Peer-Reviewed PublicationUNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Smoking may be among the most important lifestyle factors affecting how quickly our cognitive skills decline as we age, suggests a new...
Research shows dangers of thirdhand smoke, lingering in home after cigarettes are out
ByDenise Dador Friday, June 7, 2024 11:40PM It’s not just secondhand smoke that can harm non-smokers. Thirdhand smoke that lingers on carpets and furniture hours later can contain carcinogens. We all know the facts on the dangers of smoking: It’s is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, causing 480,000 deaths each...
Smoking fentanyl can cause irreversible brain damage, report shows
by Colin Davidson, The Conversation Anna Shvets from Pexels A middle-aged American man with no previous medical history was found unconscious in his hotel room, with “unidentified crushed pills and a white residue” on a nearby table, according to a recent paper in BMJ Case Reports. White powder was visible around the man’s mouth. This...
Vaping now more common than smoking among young people—and the risks go beyond lung and brain damage
by Amira Guirguis, The Conversation Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainVaping is now more common than cigarette smoking among young people, according to a new report coordinated by the University of Glasgow and commissioned by the World Health Organization. This echoes research that has found the popularity of vaping among young people in the UK has surged...
Smoking Cessation Before Age 40 Years Brings Great Benefits
Philippe Tellier, MD Chronic smoking remains a major cause of premature mortality on a global scale. Despite intensified efforts to combat this scourge, a quarter of deaths among middle-aged adults in Europe and North America are attributed to it. However, over the past decades, antismoking campaigns have borne fruit, and many smokers have quit before...