by Amit Khera, UT Southwestern Medical Center Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The data on the health effects from smoking cigarettes has been clear for decades. Today, tobacco use causes nearly 1 in 5 deaths each year in the U.S. While many of these deaths are cancer-related, researchers have found that people who smoke are more likely to...
Tag: <span>Tobacco</span>
Prediabetes and persistent tobacco use may triple risk of stroke in healthy young adults
by American Heart Association Credit: CC0 Public Domain The combination of persistent tobacco use and prediabetes (higher than normal blood sugar levels that may progress to type 2 diabetes) triples the risk of stroke in young adults who do not have other cardiovascular risk factors, according to a preliminary study presented at the American Heart Association’s...
Nearly half of deaths for 12 cancers in California are due to tobacco, higher than previously reported
by UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center Credit: CC0 Public Domain Despite California’s success in reducing tobacco use, a new study published today in JAMA Network Open demonstrates the continued and significant burden tobacco inflicts on people with cancer. The study was conducted by researchers at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center who used data collected from the California...
Almost all kids have tobacco on their hands, even in non-smoking homes
by San Diego State University Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Young children touch everything—carpets, tabletops, toys, clothes, etc.—and then touch their mouths and faces. This makes them especially vulnerable to thirdhand smoke, the chemical residue from tobacco smoke left behind in dust and on surfaces after someone smokes or vapes. Educating parents and other family members...
Exposure to tobacco smoke in early life is associated with accelerated biological ageing
by Barcelona Institute for Global Health Credit: CC0 Public Domain Accelerated biological aging is associated with exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy and early childhood, as well as with indoor exposure to black carbon. These are the conclusions of an analysis led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), an institution supported by the “la Caixa” Foundation, the first to evaluate...
New device shows cigarette alternatives may be more hazardous than revealed by manufacturer testing
A more sensitive technique shows cigarette alternatives may be more hazardous than manufacturer testing had found. A technique that can better assess harmful chemicals adds to the analysis toolkit for cigarette alternatives. This pioneering research by KAUST scientists reveals that a tobacco-heating device called “I quit ordinary smoking” (IQOS), emits many more potentially harmful chemicals...
Study: Chronic inflammatory effect in the oral cavity from alcohol, tobacco and caffeine
by Asociacion RUVID Researchers of the CEU UCH university have published the first pilot study on the alterations to the levels of cytokines in the saliva of frequent consumers of these three stimulating substances Cytokines are proteins released by the cells of the immune system to regulate the mechanism of inflammation against infections. When cytokine...
Smokers three times likely to die from heart disease
New research shows smoking triples deaths from heart disease and stroke AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Smoking is killing at least 17 Australians a day from preventable heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular conditions, new research led by The Australian National University (ANU) has found. The study, the most in-depth in the world, shows for the first time how smoking...
Heartbreaker? Smoking causing millions of heart attacks, strokes: WHO
While the link between smoking and a range of cancers is well known, the World Health Organization warned Thursday there was too little awareness of tobacco’s impact on the human heart. Credit: CC0 Public Domain On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day Thursday, the UN health agency hailed that smoking had declined significantly since...