Written by Katie E. Golden, MD | Reviewed by Karen Hovav, MD, FAAP
Updated on May 2, 2024print_outlinedemail_outlined
Key takeaways:
- Vitamin D supplements are available as vitamin D2 (also known as ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (also known as cholecalciferol).
- Both versions are similar molecules. The main difference is that D2 comes from plants, and D3 comes from animals.
- Both D2 and D3 will raise your vitamin D levels. But research suggests that D3 is slightly more effective.
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Vitamin D 2Vitamin D 3DrisdolErgocalciferol
Table of contents
Vitamin D 101
D2 vs. D3
Daily dose
Bottom line
Hispanolistic/E+ via Getty Images
Vitamin D is an important nutrient for your bones, muscles, and immune system. And a deficiency can lead to serious health complications, like weakness and osteoporosis. So it’s no surprise that people who don’t get enough daily vitamin D rely on supplements to stay healthy. But there are many different ways to supplement vitamin D levels. There are actually two different versions available: vitamin D2 (D2) and vitamin D3 (D3). So we’ll clear up the confusion around which one is better.
What is vitamin D and how do I get it?
Vitamin D is an important ingredient in many different cellular processes in the body. It’s well known for keeping your bones strong. But it also plays a role in other body functions, including:
- Muscle strength
- Immunity
- Calcium and glucose metabolism
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There are two natural sources of vitamin D:
- Food: There are only a small number of foods that naturally contain vitamin D. Some of the best sources include liver, oily fish, mushrooms, and egg yolks. It’s more common to find foods that are artificially fortified with vitamin D, like cereals and milk.
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