Month: <span>March 2017</span>

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Study shows stem cell therapy is safe for stroke patients

A multicenter trial looking at whether a single dose of millions of adult, bone-marrow-derived stem cells can aid stroke recovery indicates it’s safe and well-tolerated by patients but may not significantly improve their recovery within the first three months, researchers report. However, the trial does provide evidence that giving the therapy early – within the first 36 hours after...


Mixed results for stem cell treatments of AMD

(HealthDay)—Stem cells may offer new hope for patients with age-related macular degeneration, but that promise can come with some risks, according to research published in the March 17 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. One report details a legitimate effort to restore the sight of a 77-year-old Japanese woman with macular degeneration using stem...


From skin to brain: Stem cells without genetic modification

The top four images, from left to right, show Keratinocyte-derived neural crest stem cells turning into neurons as shown by typical neuronal morphology. The larger image, directly above, is a close-up of the far right image. UB study yields neural crest cells from adult skin cells, and could lead to new treatments for Parkinson’s and...


PHD2 targeting overcomes breast cancer cell death upon glucose starvation

Micrograph showing a lymph node invaded by ductal breast carcinoma, with extension of the tumour beyond the lymph node.    B55α is one of the regulatory subunits of the PP2A phosphatase. This phosphatases has been associated to the control of many biological functions but the multiplicity of complexes that can be formed by the combination...


Tethered nanoparticles make tumor cells more vulnerable

New strategy could improve performance of some immune-based drugs MIT researchers have devised a way to make tumor cells more susceptible to certain types of cancer treatment by coating the cells with nanoparticles before delivering drugs. By tethering hundreds of tiny particles to the surfaces of tumor cells in the presence of a mechanical force,...


What’s to know about metastatic lung cancer?

While cancer may develop in one area of the body, it has the ability to spread to other areas. When cancer spreads in this way, it is said to have metastasized, and is known as metastatic cancer.   Metastatic cancers are associated with the primary (or original) cancer. For example, lung cancerthat spreads to the liver is called...


Viruses created to selectively attack tumor cells

The image shows tumor cells infected by the virus, which expresses a fluorescent protein. Over the days (in the image fifth day), the virus multiplies, generating new virions that infect more cancer cells Scientists at the IDIBAPS Biomedical Research Institute and at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) lead a study in which...


Ever wondered why exercise reduces the risk of CANCER? Scientists say active people are better at removing a by-product that fuels tumours

Exercising helps the body get used to the cancer-causing by-product lactate Study finds lactate plays a key role in developing and spreading cancer  University of Colorado research paves the way for new cancer treatments It’s long been known that exercising can reduce the risk of cancer. And now scientists believe they have found another reason why...


Potential antitumor therapeutic strategies of human amniotic membrane and amniotic fluid-derived stem cells.

Abstract As stem cells are capable of self-renewal and can generate differentiated progenies for organ development, they are considered as potential source for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement after injury or disease. Along with this capacity, stem cells have the therapeutic potential for treating human diseases including cancers. According to the origins, stem cells are...


Scientists develop new drug delivery method for cancer therapy

Research Associate Xiuling Li (left) and Associate Professor Christoph Rader led the study on the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute. (Photo by Junpeng Qi.)    Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have developed a new drug delivery method that produces strong results in treating cancers in animal models,...