Month: <span>August 2017</span>

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Upon prolonged irradiation, human stem cells’ defenses are activated

Researchers from several Russian institutes, including MIPT, have found out how prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation affects human stem cells. They discovered that it causes a cell cycle delay, which leads to faster repairs of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks, with fewer errors. It is unclear what the health implications are, particularly how this affects the...


Bacterial infection stresses hematopoietic stem cells

It has been thought that only immune cells would act as the line of defense during bacterial infection. However, recent research has revealed that hematopoietic stem cells, cells that create all other blood cells throughout an individual’s lifetime, are also able to respond to the infection. A collaboration between researchers from Japan and Switzerland found...


Cell Therapy

About Cell therapy Cell therapy is a new official direction in medicine, based on the use of regenerative potential of the adult stem cells, aimed at the treatment of a variety of serious diseases, rehabilitation of patients after injuries and fighting with the premature signs of aging. Stem cells are also considered to be the promising...


It’s not a rat’s race for human stem cells grafted to repair spinal cord injuries

More than one-and-a-half years after implantation, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the San Diego Veterans Administration Medical Center report that human neural stem cells (NSCs) grafted into spinal cord injuries in laboratory rats displayed continued growth and maturity, with functional recovery beginning one year after grafting. The findings are...


Parkinson’s sufferers who SING could delay the onset of crippling symptoms such as losing their ability to swallow

Muscles worked in singing also are used during swallowing and respiratory functions  Experts from Iowa State University created musical therapy classes   Participants who attended the classes reported it significantly helped their throat muscles that had declined due to Parkinson’s  Four cities in Iowa now offer these classes for those with the disease Singing could...


Scientists Use Light to Erase Unwanted Memories

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside have developed a technique to selectively erase fear memories by weakening connections between the nerve cells involved in forming such memories. Memories can be triggered by stimuli such as sights, sounds, and smells. Some memories are formed during traumatic events, and in this case stimuli associated with the...


Transcranial magnetic stimulation aids PTSD in eating disorders

(HealthDay)—Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) seems to be beneficial for treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in patients with eating disorders, according to research published online Aug. 16 in the International Journal of Eating Disorders. D. Blake Woodside, M.D., from the University Health Network in Toronto, and colleagues presented a...


Study suggests serotonin may worsen tinnitus

Millions of people suffer from the constant sensation of ringing or buzzing in the ears known as tinnitus, creating constant irritation for some and severe anxiety for others. Research by scientists at OHSU shows why a common antidepressant medication may worsen the condition. The study, to be published Aug. 22 in the journal Cell Reports, focused...