Month: <span>August 2020</span>

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Study reveals COVID-19 transmission rate on trains

Study reveals COVID-19 transmission rate on trains

IMAGE: ATTACK RATE OF COVID-19 PER DIFFERENT SEATS AND CO-TRAVEL TIME ON A HIGH-SPEED TRAIN CREDIT: UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON A study by scientists from the University of Southampton has examined the chances of catching COVID-19 in a train carriage carrying an infectious person. Based on high-speed routes in China, researchers from WorldPop found that for...

A Guide to Increasing Your Microbiome Diversity

A Guide to Increasing Your Microbiome Diversity

By Benedette Cuffari, M.Sc. Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc. The microbiome has a tremendous influence on the health and disease susceptibility of humans. Although genetics plays some part in determining the diversity of the microbiome, diet has the largest influence; therefore, humans can make certain lifestyle choices that have been proven to increase the diversity and...