Month: <span>January 2022</span>

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Too much auld lang syne: avoiding that new year’s hangover

Too much auld lang syne: avoiding that new year’s hangover

(HealthDay)—Party people should think twice before relying on a fly-by-night remedy to cure the hangover they suffer from a New Year’s Eve bender, warns an ER doc based in the Big Apple. “There are a plethora of hangover products on the market that tout the ability to reduce the chances of or prevent a hangover...

Step away from the table: Why you keep eating when you’re full

Step away from the table: Why you keep eating when you’re full

by Amanda Salis,  The Conversation It’s helpful to understand how your body tells you it’s time to stop eating. Credit: Shutterstock Ever eaten that last slice of pizza, even though you’ve had enough? Or polished off kids’ leftovers, despite already feeling full? To understand what’s happening—and how to fix it—let’s explore your body’s “stop eating signals”...

Omicron Symptoms Most Commonly Appear Like This

Omicron Symptoms Most Commonly Appear Like This

BYHEATHER NEWGEN FACT CHECKED BY ALEK KORAB Shutterstock With Omicron now the dominant COVID-19 variant, doctors are revealing symptoms they’re commonly seeing. Many say the symptoms are close to those of a cold or flu, but according to one well-known New York City emergency physician the severity of Omicron depends on your vaccination status. Read below to see what...