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Eighteen ways to reduce bloating

Eighteen ways to reduce bloating

Bloating can cause discomfort, but there are many ways to reduce it. Exercise, supplements, massage, dietary changes, and other strategies can all help reduce bloating quickly. Carol Yepes/Getty Images Abdominal bloating is when the abdomen feels full and tight. It commonly occurs due to a buildup of gas somewhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Bloating...

Waste of tears—fake ‘onion water’ flu cure exposes disparities

Waste of tears—fake ‘onion water’ flu cure exposes disparities

Credit: CC0 Public Domain If it tastes this bad, it must be good for you? Homemade, tear-inducingly strong onion “cures” for flu are the latest medical misinformation spreading on TikTok—a sign, analysts say, that affordable, evidence-based health care is beyond the reach of many Americans. Videos extolling the pungent concoction—made by soaking chopped raw onions in water—as a miracle...



Asian Americans, particularly Korean Americans, are at an unusually high risk for stomach cancer, research shows. Over the last six decades in the United States, stomach, or gastric, cancer rates have plummeted. But around the world, gastric cancer remains a leading cause of death, particularly in Asia. In an article in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,...

Treating COVID-19 infection with molnupiravir can lead to quicker recovery at home

Treating COVID-19 infection with molnupiravir can lead to quicker recovery at home

by  Lancet Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Molnupiravir (taken as an 800mg dose twice daily for five days) does not reduce hospital admissions or deaths in vaccinated adults with COVID-19 infection who are at higher risk of mortality, according to the results of a randomized controlled trial, published in The Lancetjournal. However, the patients treated at home with...

Ankylosing spondylitis: 9 possible complications

Ankylosing spondylitis: 9 possible complications

Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that currently has no cure. Anyone diagnosed with the condition should be aware of the potential complications that it can present to health. Certain treatment methods can help reduce these complications, as well as slow the progression of the condition. This article looks at some of the complications...


Screening Tests Diagnose About 14% of All Cancers

Roxanne Nelson, RN, BSN December 20, 2022 Currently, guidelines recommend screening for only four types of cancer, and adherence to the guidelines is often low. Nnevertheless, screening tests lead to diagnoses of about 14% of all cancers in the United States, a new study suggests. Screening is currently recommended for breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancers by...


Why European Young ladies Are the Best

European women are the best because of their magnificence, their intelligence, and their terrific personas. They are wonderful wives and mothers they usually will usually treat you with the greatest decency. Their love for you personally is a true gift, and they will be by your side until death will you part. When...

Study evaluates biomarker to help curb unnecessary antibiotic use

Study evaluates biomarker to help curb unnecessary antibiotic use

by  Duke University Azithromycin antibiotics prescription. Credit: Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA Testing for procalcitonin, a blood biomarker that is increased in people with a bacterial infection, could help physicians more quickly and effectively determine whether patients need antibiotics. Knowing that would ultimately reduce the rate of unnecessary antibiotic use, according to a new study from Duke Health...

Can Adults Overdose on Melatonin?

Can Adults Overdose on Melatonin?

Written by Elizabeth Cambria, PharmD | Reviewed by Katie E. Golden, MD. Published on June 27, 2022 Key takeaways: Melatonin is a dietary supplement that may be helpful when you’re dealing with temporary changes in your sleep schedule, such as jet lag. Some people take it when they have trouble sleeping, although it’s not a...

Walking ‘Teabag style’ for a few minutes a day could help adults meet physical activity targets

Walking ‘Teabag style’ for a few minutes a day could help adults meet physical activity targets

by  British Medical Journal Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Adults could achieve global physical activity targets by walking inefficiently for just a few minutes each day, finds a study in the Christmas issue of The BMJ. Global rates of physical inactivity have not budged in the past 20 years, despite campaigns to increase physical activity and boost cardiovascular fitness in adults.  The...