Month: <span>May 2024</span>

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Researchers develop theory on traveling waves of activity in the human brain

by Katharina Kalhoff and Ole Kamm, Berlin Institute of Health in der Charité Credit: Brain Simulation Section, BIH, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin For the first time, researchers led by Professor Dr. Petra Ritter’s team have succeeded in explaining the propagation of traveling waves of activity in the human brain using a computer simulation. Previous studies...


Research explains new method to engineer immune cells that could treat multiple cancer patients

by Linda Wang, University of California, Los Angeles A microscopy image shows an enhanced natural killer T cell (blue) attacking a human multiple myeloma cell (magenta). Credit: Lili Yang lab/UCLAImmunotherapies have revolutionized cancer treatment by harnessing the body’s own immune system to attack cancer cells and halt tumor growth. However, these therapies often need to...


Neuroplasticity study shows how singing rehabilitates speech production in post-stroke aphasia – neuroscience

by University of Helsinki Treatment-induced WM neuroplasticity changes. Connectometry results displaying the significant segments of the tracts with longitudinal QA increases significantly associated with singing group versus control group between T1 and T2 (ΔT2–T1; left) and longitudinal QA change correlation with improved naming (right). Credit: eneuro (2024). DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0408-23.2024Cerebrovascular accidents, or strokes, are the most...

Fighting fat and inflammation: Scientists develop new compounds

Fighting fat and inflammation: Scientists develop new compounds

MAY 15, 2024 by Tokyo University of Science The menthyl esters of valine (MV) and isoleucine (MI) are multi-faceted molecules with enhanced anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity activities. The discovery and development of such molecules can result in newer classes of therapeutic drugs to treat a wide range of metabolic disorders. Credit: Gen-ichiro Arimura from Tokyo University...


Gene therapy relieves back pain, repairs damaged disc in mice

NEWS RELEASE 16-MAY-2024 Study suggests nanocarriers loaded with DNA could replace opioids Peer-Reviewed PublicationOHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, Ohio – Disc-related back pain may one day meet its therapeutic match: gene therapy delivered by naturally derived nanocarriers that, a new study shows, repairs damaged discs in the spine and lowers pain symptoms in mice. Scientists engineered nanocarriers...

Patient “chronotype” could impact best time to take blood pressure medication.

Patient “chronotype” could impact best time to take blood pressure medication.

NEWS RELEASE 16-MAY-2024 Peer-Reviewed PublicationUNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE DR FILIPPO PIGAZZANI, FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. CREDIT: UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE Research conducted by the University’s School of Medicine, in collaboration with Helmholtz Munich, and in partnership with an international team of researchers from Italy, UK and the USA, has revealed that a person’s...

A second chance for new antibiotic agent

A second chance for new antibiotic agent

Biochemistry NEWS RELEASE 16-MAY-2024 Peer-Reviewed PublicationRUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM MORE AND MORE BACTERIA ARE DEVELOPING RESISTANCE TO ANTIBIOTICS. RESEARCHERS ARE THEREFORE LOOKING FOR ALTERNATIVE ACTIVE INGREDIENTS. CREDIT: © RUB, MARQUARD Significant attempts 20 years ago The study focused on the protein peptide deformylase (PDF). Involved in protein maturation processes in cells, PDF is essential for the survival...

Study suggests high-frequency electrical ‘noise’ results in congenital night blindness

Study suggests high-frequency electrical ‘noise’ results in congenital night blindness

MAY 16, 2024 by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Credit: King-Wai Yau Laboratory In what they believe is a solution to a 30-year biological mystery, neuroscientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have used genetically engineered mice to address how one mutation in the gene for the light-sensing protein rhodopsin results in congenital stationary...

New gene delivery vehicle shows promise for human brain gene therapy

New gene delivery vehicle shows promise for human brain gene therapy

MAY 16, 2024 by Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainIn an important step toward more effective gene therapies for brain diseases, researchers from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have engineered a gene-delivery vehicle that uses a human protein to efficiently cross the blood-brain barrier and deliver a disease-relevant gene...