Month: <span>May 2024</span>

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Unique brain circuit is linked to body mass index

Unique brain circuit is linked to body mass index

MAY 16, 2024 by Northwestern University Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Why can some people easily stop eating when they are full and others can’t, which can lead to obesity? A Northwestern Medicine study has found one reason may be a newly discovered structural connection between two regions in the brain that appears to be involved...

Celiac disease: New findings on the effects of gluten

Celiac disease: New findings on the effects of gluten

MAY 16, 2024 by Bielefeld University An electron transmission micrograph from the study shows the problematic peptide 33-mer DGP with spiky structures that can open the intestinal barrier. Credit: Bielefeld University Today is International Celiac Day. Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune condition that occurs in around 1% of the world’s population. It is triggered...

B cells drive responses of other immune cells, and can be modified to prevent Multiple Sclerosis symptoms

B cells drive responses of other immune cells, and can be modified to prevent Multiple Sclerosis symptoms

NEWS RELEASE 16-MAY-2024 B cells drive responses of other immune cells, and can be modified to prevent Multiple Sclerosis symptomsAbnormally active B cell metabolism causes an inflammatory immune response in individuals with MS, Penn Medicine research finds Peer-Reviewed PublicationUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE IMMUNE CELL INTERACTIONS DRIVING MS ATTACKS. CREDIT: PENN MEDICINE PHILADELPHIA –...

AI-powered noise-filtering headphones give users the power to choose what to hear

AI-powered noise-filtering headphones give users the power to choose what to hear

MAY 16, 2024 by Acoustical Society of America Researchers augmented noise-canceling headphones with a smartphone-based neural network to identify ambient sounds and preserve them while filtering out everything else. Credit: Shyam GollakotaNoise-canceling headphones are a godsend for living and working in loud environments. They automatically identify background sounds and cancel them out for much-needed peace...

Weight Loss Drug Tested in Mice May Be More Effective Than Existing Medicines

Weight Loss Drug Tested in Mice May Be More Effective Than Existing Medicines

Promising new therapy for obesity that leads to greater weight loss in mice than existing medications. NewsPublished: May 17, 2024 | Original story from the University of Copenhagen Credit: Diana Polekhina / Unsplash. “I consider the drugs available on the marked today as the first generation of weight-loss drugs. Now we have developed a new...

Important Gene in the Fight Against Prostate Cancer Identified

Important Gene in the Fight Against Prostate Cancer Identified

Men with mutations in a particular gene are at greater risk of developing metastases after prostate cancer.News Published: May 17, 2024 | Original story from Aarhus University Credit: iStock. Finding out that cancer has spread is always unwelcome news. A study from Aarhus University has identified a gene that determines whether patients with prostate cancer...

New blood test for stroke detection combines blood-based biomarkers with a clinical score

New blood test for stroke detection combines blood-based biomarkers with a clinical score

MAY 17, 2024 by Brigham and Women’s Hospital Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Stroke is the leading cause of disability worldwide and the second leading cause of death, but the right early intervention can prevent severe consequences. A new study led by investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and collaborators describes how the team developed a...

Antioxidant Dietary Supplement “Twendee X®” can help counter systemic sclerosis

Antioxidant Dietary Supplement “Twendee X®” can help counter systemic sclerosis

NEWS RELEASE 17-MAY-2024 Study finds the supplement effective in inhibiting fibrosis and suppressing disease activity and progression of systemic sclerosis, an intractable disease Peer-Reviewed PublicationLOUIS PASTEUR CENTER FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH OXIDATIVE STRESS IS KNOWN TO EXACERBATE FIBROSIS AND AUTOIMMUNITY. IN A NEW STUDY, RESEARCHERS FROM JAPAN HAVE INVESTIGATED THE EFFECTS OF A DIETARY ANTIOXIDANT SUPPLEMENT...