CMS Unveils New Medicare Mobile App.

Politico (1/28, Ravindranath) reports in a brief that CMS has unveiled a new Medicare information mobile app called “What’s Covered.” The objective is to “help beneficiaries understand what’s covered under Medicare, historically a source of much confusion.” CMS Administrator Seema Verma explained that the free app is part of the agency’s “‘eMedicare’ collection of tools, designed to help beneficiaries search and compare coverage and out-of-pocket costs online.”

Modern Healthcare (1/28, Subscription Publication) reports that the app “will let seniors quickly see whether Medicare covers a specific item or service,” CMS said. It aims “to provide more consistent information on Medicare coverage across different healthcare facilities and doctor offices.” According to Verma, “This new app is the next in a suite of products designed to give consumers more access and control over their Medicare information.”

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