Getting ready for a road trip? This is what you should and shouldn’t eat when driving for extended period of time

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Summer is time for travelling and there is nothing more fun than having a long road trip. However, driving for extended period of time might be excruciating, which is why you should prepare your body appropriately. But how? SEAT shares some advices of what you should eat during the days of driving.

Eat light food and avoid overeating – more frequent stops are better than one long lunch break. Image credit: SEAT

You are what you eat. Wrong food can make you slow, drowsy or even fatigued. You want to be fresh, sharp and ready, which is why it is important to eat the right amount of the right things. And you have to eat – you’re not thinking about driving if you are thinking about food. Also, driving a car requires a considerable amount of calories.

You may not think you’re doing much just sitting behind the wheel, but driving burns from 1,000 to 1,350 kcal a day. Ok, actually, it is just a bit more than resting. But you cannot be hungry, because hunger causes drowsiness, short attention span and distractibility. Meanwhile overeating may cause discomfort, sleepiness or even sickness. Therefore, you should eat small amount of food regularly. Stop, eat a little, walk around for 15 minutes and see how you feel. You may even take a nap if that’s your thing.

If you are planning on driving for extended periods of time, avoid eating heavy food, such as deep-fried, batter-fried, spicy food, sauces, rice, beans and pasta. Carbs provide a  lot of energy, but you don’t need a lot of energy when driving. Plus, carbs are quickly digested and you soon feel hungry again. Youshould also avoid eating too much fruits and vegetables that could cause increased acidity of the stomach.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water – dehydration can lead to accidents. Image credit: SEAT

Finally, do not forget to drink. Dr. Mari Carmen López of the SEAT CARS medical centre said: “a couple of coffees or teas during the day might help you stay alert, but more than that can give you the jitters.” For the same reason energy drinks while driving are absolutely inadvisable. You should drink plenty of water. Although bathroom stops may be more frequent, dehydration would lead to bigger problems, such as dizziness, vomiting, drowsiness, slower reaction times. And don’t think that soft drinks supply you with enough of hydration – drink water and plenty of it.

Also, stop to eat and drink. Surely, in the majority of the world eating and driving is not illegal, but it is still dangerous. Studies have shown that reaction time while eating goes down by up to 44%. Stop, eat and drink. Use this time to stretch your legs, relax and maybe even plan the rest of your journey.

Road trips have to be fun. If you are hungry, tired or uncomfortable, you’re not having fun. Eat plenty of lighter food, drink a lot of water and avoid everything that could make you drowsy, slow, sleepy or jittery.

Source: SEAT

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