Does the Location of a Headache Matter?

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Does the Location of a Headache Matter?

By Osman Shabir, M.Sc.Reviewed by Dr. Jennifer Logan, MD, MPH

Headaches can occur due to a variety of reasons, with most of them not being serious. Whilst there are well over 200 types of headache, there are typically two major types of headaches: primary (90%), in which the headache is a ‘headache-condition’ in itself (for example, migraine or tension headache), and secondary (10%), in which the headache results from another condition (for example, stroke).

Image Credit:  Arkela /

Image Credit:  Arkela /

The intensity or type of pain can be related to the severity of the cause (e.g., mild to moderate) or associated factors, such as level of dehydration. The location of a headache may also be important in identifying the cause of certain types of headaches, but not in all.

Bilateral vs. unilateral

At the highest level of headache localization, the headache can either be bilateral (both sides) or unilateral (one side). Typically a migraine presents unilaterally (one side of the head) and has a pulsating quality. Migraines may also present with other symptoms such as nausea (vomiting) and photosensitivity (sensitivity to light).

Tension-type headaches, on the other hand, present bilaterally (both sides of the head) and have a pressing or tightening quality. There is no throbbing or pulsating quality to these headaches and few other physical symptoms. Often with these headaches, the localization is poor and may appear more general over areas of the head and neck.

Sinus headaches (sinusitis) occur around or behind the orbital area (eyes), across the cheeks and along the forehead, and in some cases along the top teeth. These often present with a pressing quality and are typically constant. These headaches typically co-occur with nasal and auditory congestion, a fever, and the swelling of the face.

Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia

Less common types of headaches that are less generalized and more localized may be attributed to trigeminal autonomic cephalagias (TACs). These occur with the simultaneous activation of the trigeminal system and the autonomic nervous system to produce short-term, unilateral headaches with ipsilateral (same side of the body) symptoms including lacrimation (crying) and rhinorrhoea (runny nose).

Specific TACs present at different locations on the head and can, therefore, be diagnosed on the basis of location. For example, cluster headaches, which are severe stabbing headaches occurring in the orbital/temporal areas (around the eyes and towards the ears).

Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks (SUNA), which are severe burning and stabbing sensations, occur in the periorbital area only (around the eyes). A third type, hemicrania continua, present as moderate pressing pain in the nuchal to frontal areas of the head (nape of the neck to the front part of the skull).

Another type of headache, occipital neuralgia, which is not a TAC, presents as piercing, throbbing, electrical-shock like chronic pain in the upper neck, and the back of the head behind the ears on one side. Sometimes the pain is also present behind the eyes.

This syndrome is related to the areas where the occipital nerve runs from the base of the brainstem up to the scalp and the back of the head. Patients also present with photosensitivity and a tender scalp. Occipital neuralgia is, therefore, often confused with migraine due to the unilateral pain and overlapping symptoms.

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