Robotic leg brace to aid paralyzed people walk

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Tokyo (AP) – Toyota is launching a wearable robotic leg brace that help partially paralyzed people to walk. The Welwalk WW-1000 system is made up of a motorized mechanical frame that fits on a person’s leg below the knee. Patients can practice walking wearing the robotic device on a special treadmill which supports their weight.

Toyota Motor Corp. demonstrated the equipment for reporters at its Tokyo headquarters.

One hundred such systems will be rented to medical facilities in Japan later this year, as said by Toyota. The service entails a one-time initial charge of 1 million yen ($9,000) and a 350,000 yen ($3,200) monthly fee.

The gadget is designed to be worn on the paralyzed side due to stroke or other ailments, Said Eiichi Saito, a medical doctor and executive vice president at Fujita Health University. The university in partnership with Toyota developed the device.

A person demonstrated it by strapping the brace to her thigh, knee, ankle and foot and then displayed how it is used to practice walking on the treadmill. Her body was supported from above by a harness and the motor helped to bend and straighten her knee. Sensors placed in the device could monitor walking and adjust quickly when in need of a help. Medical staff control the system through a touch panel screen.

Japanese automakers have been developing robotics both for manufacturing and other purposes. Honda Motor Co.’s Asimo humanoid could run, dance, pour a drink and carry out simple conversations, where as WelWalk is more of a system that uses robotics than a robot alone.

Toyota’s device could be very helpful for patients who suffer from paralysis due to stroke in the fast-aging Japan. Patients can use it for a speedy recovery as the sensitive robotic sensor in Welwalk fine-tunes the level of assistance needed than a human therapist.

Saito also explains that too much of help can also slow down the progress in rehabilitation.