Chemical compounds prohibited in sport

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Chemical compounds prohibited in sport

Competitive sport means both competition and equal chances. It means a lack of pharmacological and technical support. Thus, different drugs, medication, and even training methods are not allowed. Nevertheless, these restrictions are valid only in the world of professional sports. According to the amateur competitions, their approach to this topic is less orthodox. Let’s try to find out which chemical substances should be avoided when we take sports seriously.

Image credit: Magdalena Osial


All substances prohibited in professional sports are marked in the international document called the World Anti-Doping Code Prohibited List [1]. It covers substances as well as methods, which are forbidden in sport and competitions. All these restrictions can be considered in two aspects: the ethical issue (fair-play) and the medical aspect (short or long-term body damage). Competitors are subjected to Athletic Drug Testing tests to determine whether the substances on the list are not present in their bodies. Consequences of finding some of them can range from disqualification, sanction, or even stripping of titles and medals.


Doping is widely believed to be a modern invention. However, there is evidence that various substances of plant, animal, or even human origin were used in ancient times. One of the first performance-enhancing substances to be tried was testosterone. In ancient times, the testicles of animals or even humans were commonly eaten to enhance their performance [2]. Other sources say the fig diet is expected to improve performance in sports [2]. The ancient Greeks made mixtures of brandy and wine for this purpose [3]. Roman gladiators also used plant-derived stimulants to overcome fatigue and injuries [3]. Doping substances have evolved considerably since ancient times. Their long list is impressive [1]. Let’s take a close look at the most popular substances placed on it.


There are a few classes of substances that we should not take when participating in professional sports competitions and during our training. It does not have to be ingredients of drugs; they could be compounds of medicines.

First, there are anabolic agents or more commonly called steroids; this is a class of substances that build muscle [4]. These compounds work like natural-produced hormones in our body and tissues e. g. taking testosterone-like substances gives not equal chances in performance. The list of substances that fall under the name of anabolic agents is extensive, and sometimes, even if something is not listed, it can still be prohibited when it has similar effects on the body or a chemical structure. Moreover, anabolic agents’ long-term supplementation may provide hypogonadism, cardiac impairment, neurodegeneration, coronary artery disease, and sudden cardiac death. The same effect as anabolics agents can be achieved with natural male hormones (testosterone). The increase of testosterone level provides an anabolic impact [5].

Another subgroup is the precursor hormones, which increased the testosterone level. Other forbidden substances are protein hormones and growth hormones. The most famous substance in this category is Erythropoietin (EPO). It is a protein that occurs naturally in the body and is responsible for producing new red blood cells called erythrocytes and the red pigment called hemoglobin level. Erythrocytes transport oxygen to cells, so a higher level of hemoglobin improves the body’s efficiency. For that reason, EPO has been used by athletes training endurance sports such as cycling. Unfortunately, too high a hemoglobin level thickens the blood, leading to an increased risk of heart attack, pulmonary embolism, and stroke. For that reason, the EPO was banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency [6].

The β2-agonists are the next group of prohibited substances [7]. They are used in medicine to treat asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Their task is to expand the bronchi and facilitate breathing, which increases the body’s efficiency. The most common side- effects of taking them are nervousness, heart palpitations, and muscle cramps.

The Hormone and metabolic modulators are also forbidden [8]. They have been used by athletes in both strength and endurance sports to prevent the negative effects caused by taking anabolics. Their action is varied, some of them are designed to enhance enzymes’ action, others slow down the reaction. Anti-estrogens, which include, for example, Aromatase inhibitors or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs), are designed to reduce the activity of estrogen in the body. Aromatase inhibitors block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. SERMs bind to estrogen receptors and thus block the effects of the hormone. Due to the many side-effects, they are included in WADA’s list.


Drugs and other substances may lead to improved performance in sport, providing a ban, sanction, or even losing the medals. When we think about sports seriously, we should be aware that other substances exist, including some medicines and supplements forbidden in the sports field. We may be taking such substances unknowingly.

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