Brain Stimulation Without Wires

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Electrical brain stimulation has been an effective technique for managing a variety of neurological conditions, yet it’s severely limited because of the need to run wires to the treatment sites. In order to be able to deliver neurostimulation just about anywhere within the brain, researchers at MIT have developed a minimally invasive technique that relies on magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic fields instead of implants and electrodes.

The researches injected iron oxide nanoparticles into brain tissue and projected a modulating magnetic field over the area, heating up the particles. The heat from the particles activates capsacin receptors, normally responsible for sensing heat and spiciness of your picante sauce. Because the researchers selectively modified the genetics of groups of neurons to produce capsacin receptors, they were able to make these neurons excitable by heat. Because iron oxide particles tend to stay put within biological tissue, they can be used for long term delivery of narrowly targeted therapy. Critically, not having to run wires and implant devices with batteries may be a huge step in bringing neurostimulation as a treatment option to many more patients.