What to know about type 2 diabetes progression

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What to know about type 2 diabetes progression

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic and progressive condition. Over time, people may need to adjust their treatment plan to manage this progression, such as introducing lifestyle changes and taking prescription medication.

Type 2 diabetes affects the body’s ability to manage blood sugar levels properly.

After diagnosis, lifestyle changes or certain medications might slow or stop the progression of type 2 diabetes. However, this may only be temporary, and the condition may continue progressing.

Sometimes, doctors alter a person’s treatment plan to manage these new developments.

This article explores the progression of type 2 diabetes, including a potential progression timeline, when to speak with a doctor, and the long-term outlook.

How type 2 diabetes can change over time

A person with type 2 diabetes using a red and black blood glucose meter.-2

Willie B. Thomas/Getty Images

As type 2 diabetes progresses, a series of chain reactions in the body lead to changes in insulin production, insulin resistance, and blood sugar levels.

Initially, a person develops insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar. Over time, a person’s body may become less responsive or resistant to the effects of insulin on the cells.

Insulin resistance forces beta cells in the pancreas to work harder to produce more insulin to manage the glucose levels. This increased production and secretion initially helps keep blood sugar levels within a typical range.

Rising blood sugar levels

However, as the condition progresses, the beta cells may be unable to meet the increasing demand and eventually become unable to produce enough insulin. As a result, blood sugar levels start to rise, potentially leading to diabetes.

After receiving a type 2 diabetes diagnosis, management involves various strategies, including lifestyle changes and medications.

Initially, these lifestyle changes and treatments may slow or stop the progression of type 2 diabetes. However, over time, damage to the beta cells may progress again, and people may need additional medications or adjustments to the existing treatment regimen.

Type 2 diabetes progression timeline

The progression of type 2 diabetes varies from person to person. Factors that may influence progression include:

  • age
  • ethnicity
  • body mass index (BMI)
  • diet
  • physical activity level
  • genetics

Due to this complex set of factors, doctors may find it challenging to determine how quickly type 2 diabetes progresses.

According to a 2020 literature review, pancreatic beta-cell function may deteriorate faster in younger people with type 2 diabetes compared to those who develop the condition as adults. However, the reason for this is currently unknown.

It is important to note that type 2 diabetes can progress at different rates for different people. Some individuals may experience a more rapid disease progression, while others may have a slower progression.

When to speak with a doctor

It is important to speak with a doctor if someone notices changes in their type 2 diabetes management or progression. This may include situations such as:

  • persistently high blood sugar levels
  • changes in symptoms or new symptoms
  • difficulties managing blood sugar fluctuations
  • significant weight loss or gain
  • increased thirst or frequent urination
  • unexplained fatigue
  • development of complications such as diabetic neuropathy or kidney problems

Regular communication and follow-ups with a healthcare professional are vital in maintaining optimal diabetes management and overall well-being.

Managing changes 

Doctors may provide various recommendations to help people manage any changes. These will depend on the specific stage of progression a person is experiencing.

They may recommend making lifestyle modifications, such as changes in diet and increasing physical activity.

Diets such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and the Mediterranean diet have shown positive evidence in reducing the occurrence of type 2 diabetes.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intense physical activity and do muscle-strengthening exercises twice weekly.

Managing stress

Managing stress can also be important since stress can impact diabetes management. Some ways to manage stress may include:

  • regular physical activity
  • getting enough sleep
  • practicing relaxation and meditation

Managing blood sugar levels

Doctors may also prescribe insulin, other injectable medications, or oral diabetes medicines to help control blood sugar levels. As the disease progresses, doctors may alter medication doses or change medications based on how well the treatment plan works.

Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is also necessary. Doctors will advise individuals on how often to check it and what their target blood sugar levels should be.

Can good management slow type 2 diabetes progression?

According to the American Diabetes Association, good management of type 2 diabetes has the potential to slow down its progression, although any reversal of the condition is typically not permanent.

Ongoing research aims to better understand how to slow or halt the progression of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes outlook

According to research summaries by the CDC, at the age of 50, individuals with type 2 diabetes generally have a life expectancy 6 years shorter than those without diabetes.

However, people with type 2 diabetes can reduce the risk of complications and live longer by effectively managing their condition and sticking to a treatment plan.

These research summaries suggest that attaining treatment goals may add 3–10 years to the life expectancy of the average person with type 2 diabetes.

Frequently asked questions

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about type 2 diabetes progression.

Can type 2 diabetes become type 1?

It is possible for a person with type 1 diabetes to develop insulin resistance, which occurs in type 2 diabetes. However, type 2 diabetes cannot change to become type 1.

Type 2 and type 1 diabetes are distinct forms of diabetes with different underlying causes and mechanisms.

Both involve insulin and blood sugar regulation, but they are different conditions requiring different management and treatment approaches.

Can type 2 diabetes become insulin-dependent?

As type 2 diabetes progresses, oral medications and lifestyle modifications may not be sufficient to manage the condition. People with more advanced type 2 diabetes may require insulin therapy.

It is important to note that not all individuals with type 2 diabetes will require insulin, and treatment plans vary based on individual needs and circumstances.


Understanding the progression of type 2 diabetes is crucial for effective management and optimal health outcomes.

Type 2 diabetes can change over time due to genetics, age, ethnicity, and other risk factors. However, the rate and extent of progression vary among individuals.

While there is no guarantee of complete reversal or permanent control, proactive management through lifestyle modifications and medications can help slow the progression and minimize complications.

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