Where Do Stem Cells Come From? | Basics Of Stem Cell Therapy

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Where do stem cells come from? You have probably heard of the wonders of stem cell therapy. Not only do stem cells make research for future scientific breakthroughs possible, but they also provide the basis for medical treatment today. So, where exactly are they from and how are they different from regular cells? The answer depends on the types of stem cells in question.

Where Do Stem Cells Come From? | Find Out More About Stem Cell Therapy

In this article:

  • Types of Stem Cells
  • Where Do Stem Cells Come From?
  • The Donation Process
  • What Can Stem Cells Treat?
  • Stem Cells For Testing New Drugs

Types of Stem Cells

There are two main types of stem cells — adult and embryonic:

  • Adult stem cells – Stem cells derived from living humans
  • Embryonic stem cells – Stem cells derived from embryos

Beyond the two broader categories, there are sub-categories. Each has its own characteristics. For hospitals and researchers, the different types of stem cells also serve specific purposes.

Adult Stem Cells

Most tissue throughout the adult human body contains stem cells. Scientists had previously believed adult stem cells to be inferior to embryonic stem cells when used for therapeutic purposes. They didn’t believe adult stem cells were as versatile as embryonic stem cells (ESCs), because they can’t become all 200 cell types within the human body.

This theory hasn’t been entirely disproved. However, encouraging evidence suggests that adult stem cells can develop into a variety of new types of cells, as well as expert repair mechanisms through other mechanisms.

Adult stem cells do have a large body of verified research and are now being exploring in hundreds of cell therapy trials worldwide. Some of the earliest forms of adult stem cell use include bone marrow transplant and medical research.

It should be noted that while the term “adult stem cell” is used for this type of cell, the term is not descriptive of age, because adult stem cells can also come from children. The term simply helps to differentiate non-controversial stem cells derived from living humans from more controversial embryonic stem cells.

Embryonic stem cells are controversial because they are made from embryos that are created but not used by fertility clinics.

Reprogrammed Adult Stem Cells

Because adult stem cells are somewhat limited in the cell types they can become, scientists developed a way to genetically reprogram cells fully differentiated cells into what is called an induced pluripotent stem cell or iPS cell. In creating induced pluripotent stem cells, researchers hope to blend the usefulness of adult stem cells with the promise of embryonic stem cells.

Both embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are known as pluripotent stem cells.

Pluripotent stem cells are a type of cell that has the capacity to divide indefinitely and create any cell found within the three germ layers of an organism. These layers include the ectoderm (cells giving rise to the skin and nervous system), endoderm (cells forming gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, endocrine gland, liver, and pancreas), and mesoderm(cells forming bones, cartilage, most of the circulatory system, muscles, connective tissues, and other related tissues).

Embryonic stem cells can grow into a much wider range of cell types, but they also carry the risk of immune system rejection in patients. In contrast, adult stem cells are more plentiful, easier to harvest, and less controversial.

The key benefit of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is that they are versatile like embryonic stem cells, but they are non-controversial.

Embryonic Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that are harvested shortly after fertilization (within 4-5 days). They are created by transferring the inner cell mass of the blastocyst into a culture medium where the cells can grow.

At 5-6 days post-fertilization, the cells within the embryo start to specialize. At this time, they no longer are able to become all of the cell types within the human body. They are no longer “pluripotent.”

Human Embryonic Stem Cells (Totipotent Perinatal Stem Cell)

Because they are pluripotent, embryonic stem cells can be used to generate healthy cells for disease patients. For example, they can be grown into heart cells known as cardiomyocytes. These cells may have the potential to be injected into an ailing patient’s heart.

Harvesting stem cells from embryos is controversial, so there are guidelines created by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that allow the public to understand what practices are not allowed.

Perinatal Stem Cells and Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Scientists can harvest perinatal stem cells from a variety of tissues, but the most common sources include:

  • Umbilical cord blood and tissue
  • Placental blood and tissue
  • Amniotic fluid and tissue

The umbilical cords that attach a mother to her fetus. It is removed after birth and is a valuable source of stem cells. The blood it contains is rich in hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). It also contains smaller quantities of another cell type known as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

The placenta is a large organ that acts as a connector between the mother and the fetus. Both placental blood and tissue are also rich in stem cells.

Finally, there is amniotic fluid surrounding a baby while it is in utero. It can be harvested if a pregnant woman needs a specialized kind of test known as amniocentesis. Both amniotic fluid and tissue contain stem cells, too.

Where Do Stem Cells Come From?

Adult stem cells are usually harvested in one of three ways:

  1. Blood draw
  2. Tissue fat extraction (liposuction)
  3. Bone marrow extraction

The blood draw, known as peripheral blood stem cell donation, extracts the stem cells directly from a donor’s bloodstream. The bone marrow stem cells come from deep within a bone — often a flat bone such as the hip. Tissue fat is extracted from a fatty area, such as the waist.

Embryonic donations are harvested from fertilized human eggs that are less than five days old. The embryos are not grown within a mother’s or surrogate’s womb, but instead, are multiplied in a laboratory. The embryos selected for stem cell harvest are created within in vitro fertilization clinics but are not selected for implantation.

Amniotic stem cells can be harvested at the same time that doctors use a needle to withdraw amniotic fluid during a pregnant woman’s amniocentesis. The same fluid, after being tested to ensure the baby’s health, can also be used to extract stem cells.

As mentioned, there is another source for stem cells — the umbilical cord. Blood cells from the umbilical cord can be harvested after a baby’s birth. Cells can also be extracted from the postpartum human placenta, which is typically discarded as medical waste following childbirth.

The umbilical cord and the placenta are non-invasive sources of perinatal stem cells.

The Donation Process

People who donate stem cells through the peripheral blood stem cell donor procedure report it to be a relatively painless procedure. Similar to giving blood, the procedure takes about four hours. At a clinic or hospital, an able medical practitioner draws the blood from the donor’s vein in one of his arms, using a needle injection. The technician sends the drawn blood into a machine, which extracts the stem cells. The blood is then returned to the donor’s body via a needle injected into the other arm. Some patients experience cramping or dizziness, but overall it’s considered a painless procedure.

If a blood stem cell donor has a problem with his or her veins, a catheter may be injected in the neck or chest. The donor receives a local anesthesia when a catheter-involved donation occurs.

During a bone marrow stem cell donor procedure, the donor is put under heavy sedation in an operating room. The hip is often the site chosen to harvest the bone marrow. More of the desired red marrow is found in flat bones, such as those in the pelvic region. The procedure takes up to two hours, with several extractions made while the patient is sedated. Although the procedure is painless due to sedation, recovery can take a couple of weeks.

Bone marrow stem cell donation takes a toll on the donor because it involves the extraction of up to 10 percent of the donor’s marrow. During the recovery period, the donor’s body gradually replenishes the marrow. Until that happens, the donor may feel fatigued and sore.

Some clinics offer regenerative and cosmetic therapies using the patient’s own stem cells derived from the fat tissue located on the sides of the waistline. Considered a simple procedure, clinics do this for therapeutic reasons or as a donation for research.

What Can Stem Cells Treat?

Stem cells differ from the trillions of other cells in your body. In fact, stem cells make up only a small fraction of the total cells in your body. Some people have a higher percentage of stem cells than others. But, stem cells are special because they are the “mothers” from which specialized cells grew and developed within us. When these cells divide, they become “daughters.” Some daughter cells simply self-replicate, while others form new kinds of cells altogether. This is the main way stem cells differ from other body cells — they are the only ones capable of generating new cells.

The ways in which stem cells can directly treat patients grow each year. Regenerative medicine now relies heavily on stem cell applications. This type of treatment replaces diseased cells with new, healthy ones generated through donor stem cells. The donor can be another person or the patient themselves.

Sometimes, stem cells also exert therapeutic effects by traveling through the bloodstream to sites that need repair or by impacting their micro-environment through signaling mechanisms.

Some types of adult stem cells, like mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), are well-known for exerting anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring effects. MSCs can also positively impact the immune system.

Conditions and diseases which stem cell regeneration therapy may help include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis (MS). Heart disease, certain types of cancer, and stroke victims may also benefit in the future. Stem cell therapy promises advances in treatment for diabetes, spinal cord injury, severe burns, and osteoarthritis.

Stem Cells for Testing New Drugs

Researchers also utilize stem cells to test new drugs. In this case, an unhealthy tissue replicates into a larger sample. This method enables researchers to test various therapies on a diseased sample, rather than on an ailing patient.

Stem cell research also allows scientists to study how both healthy and diseased tissue grows and mutates under various conditions. They do this by harvesting stem cells from the heart, bones, and other body areas, and study them under intensive laboratory conditions. In this way, they get a better understanding of the human body, whether healthy or sick.

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