Advantages and disadvantages of humidity for health

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A house with the proper humidity level of between 40-60% is positively very healthy and comfortable for living. In comparison to very dry or very moisturized air, you can feel all the advantages of such a healthy environment almost at once.

Controlling the air in the room is not very difficult though. You have probably heard about the importance of humidifiers or residential humidification systems and how helpful they are, haven’t you? Frankly speaking, without knowing the actual level of humidity in the room, they worth very little because you have no idea whether you need to increase or reduce the level of moist. A digital hygrometer for humidor will give you this information. It will let you know when you need to turn your humidifier on or
when it is enough just to air the room. But what do you actually get when maintain humidity at the normal level?

For starters, you get a safe home protected from viruses. The thing is that most of the viruses such as influenza flourish in dry environment perfectly. So the regulation of humidification will help you protect you and your kids from unwanted illnesses, especially in winter.

Controlling the humidity level indoors, you will also reduce your chances to get an allergy or any respiratory ailment caused by dust and other airborne pollutants such as mold spores. The latter can develop serious problems: infections, asthma, etc. As many know, the ideal environment for mold growth is with constant moisture level above 80%. As for dust, the percentage is lower 35%.

Very dry air is also an enemy of your skin. Keeping relative humidity at 40% level will definitely help you solve a lot of acne problems such as dry skin, itching, dry hair, etc. Many dermatologists and cosmetologists advise to humidify the air indoors to make skin fresh and healthy.

Breathing clean air with comfortable temperature and humidity help us uptake oxygen and transfer it through our blood vessels much easier. This, in turn, results in reduced fatigue and higher concentration. Moreover, breathing the properly moisturized air is way more comfortable because your nasal mucosa doesn’t dry out or become swollen.

Leather sofas, wooden furniture, and valuable artworks also last longer when the air in the room is maintained properly. Low humidity causes warping, cracking, and some other changes. The control of the air helps you avoid such problems. Besides, wooden floors remain in much better shape in normal environment over longer periods.

Indeed, it is hard to overestimate the level of healthiness and comfortability of properly humidified air. Controlling and regulating it within 40-60% rage helps you make your home safe and hypoallergenic for living.

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