Apple is working on the ‘holy grail’ of diabetes by creating a wearable sensor that tracks blood sugar levels

Home / Devices / Apple is working on the ‘holy grail’ of diabetes by creating a wearable sensor that tracks blood sugar levels

Apple which is known for its trend setting technology than for advances in medicines is working on a project to tackle diabetes.

The project was envisioned by co-founder Steve Jobs before to his death- might lead to breakthrough wearable devices that detect the disease and monitor blood sugar levels.

Described as ‘Holy grail’ of life sciences, because it is difficult to monitor blood sugar levels without breaking the skin.

The Project:

Apple has hired a team of biomedical engineers as a part of the secret initiative as per CNBC reports. Up to 30 people are believed to be working on the project, that is running for 5 years. They say firm has been carrying out clinical trials in San Francisco and has hired consultants to overview the rules and regulations around bringing such a product to the market.

Engineers are said to be working from a nondescript office in Palo Alto, around 15miles away from the new Apple corporate headquarters in Cupertino, California.

Researchers have been tasked with developing bio-sensors to monitor blood sugar levels. Currently this includes taking regular blood samples, which can involve anything from a thumb-prick test to Intravenous extraction.

The late Apple CEO envisaged the devices as another form of wearable technology, like a smartwatch or fitness monitors.

When the non-invasive sensors come to fruition, it would be a breakthrough moment for medical science.

The number of people with diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014- the latest year for which global figures are available- according to the WHO. Companies are joining forces to tackle chronic diseases using high-tech devices that combines biology, software and hardware. This has led to the new field of Bio-electronics.

Last year, GlaxoSmith Plc and Google parent Alphabet Inc unveiled a joint company aimed at marketing bioelectronic devices to fight illness by attaching individual nerves. U.S biotech firms Setpoint Medical and EnteroMedics have already demonstrated some early progress of bio-electronics in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and suppressing appetite in the obese.


A study suggest that gum disease could be a warning sign in Type 2 diabetes. Experts said dentists who discovered patients with severe gum problems should screen them for the condition.

In a study of 313 middle-aged people by the University of Amsterdam, patients with severe gum disease were 23% more likely to have type 2 diabetes and 47% more likely to have pre-diabetes than those with no gum disease.

In the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, they said this was because people with diabetes were more susceptible to infections and impaired wound healing. Researchers said it would be feasible to screen for undiagnosed diabetes in dental practices, with focus on people with the most severe form of gum disease. Diagnosing diabetes and pre-diabetes is essential in helping to avoid complications.