Can cranberry juice help to treat and prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs)?

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Can cranberry juice help to treat and prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs)?

The first line of treatment for a urinary tract infection (UTI) is antibiotics. However, some people may take cranberry supplements or drink cranberry juice to reduce their risk of developing one. Research is conflicted about whether cranberry juice is an effective method of treatment or prevention.

Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms “male,” “female,” or both to refer to sex assigned at birth.

UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urethra and infect the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the urethra, bladder, ureter, and kidney. UTIs are commonTrusted Source in females, infants, and older adults.

According to a 2017 articleTrusted Source, 1 in 3 females will experience a UTI by the time they are 24 years old.

Most UTIs resolve within 1–2 daysTrusted Source of taking antibiotics. However, a UTI could cause serious health issues without treatment, including kidney infection and sepsis. Sepsis is a very serious condition that can leadTrusted Source to organ failure and death.

This article takes a look at how drinking cranberry juice may play a part in preventing UTIs and highlights some other evidence-based home remedies and treatment methods.

Can cranberry juice prevent UTIs? 

A person drinking cranberry juice to help treat or prevent a UTI.

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Many people drink cranberry juice in the hopes of preventing a UTI from developing. However, the Office on Women’s HealthTrusted Source states that the efficacy of cranberry juice for preventing UTIs has had conflicting results.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, raw cranberries contain antioxidant proanthocyanidins, or PACs, that can prevent bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract.

In one 2017 studyTrusted Source, researchers discovered that taking cranberry capsules containing 36 mg of PACs daily reduced the frequency of UTIs in young people aged 12-18 years with recurrent infections.

According to an older 2012 research studyTrusted Source, cranberry juice on its own is unlikely to have the same effect. This is because most store-bought cranberry juices do not contain enough PACs to prevent bacterial adhesion.

However, researchers in 2013Trusted Source examined the preventive effects of cranberry juice on those with recurrent UTIs. The researchers found a lower recurrence rate in those who drank 125 milliliters (ml) of cranberry juice before sleeping for 24 weeks.

It is important to note that this study included those with complicated UTIsTrusted Source, which means that they had an increased chance of complications and persistent or recurrent infections. Males, people who are pregnant, and people who use urinary catheters are among those at higher risk of developing complicated UTIs.

Results from using cranberry juice may differ for those with uncomplicated UTIs. An uncomplicated UTI is a UTI that occurs in those with normal urinary and kidney functions.

People with painful bladder syndrome, also known as interstitial cystitis, should avoid drinking cranberry juice as it can worsen their symptoms.

Can cranberry juice treat UTIs? 

While cranberry products may help some people prevent UTI recurrence, there is no evidence-based research that proves drinking cranberry juice can cure or improve the symptoms of an active UTI.

However, according to one 2021 feasibility studyTrusted Source, some people found that taking cranberry supplements in addition to antibiotics cleared the infection more quickly than taking antibiotics alone, whereas others reported no improvement at all.

There is not enough evidence to suggest that cranberry products can reduce or improve the symptoms of an active UTI.

Alternative treatment options 

Some research suggests that up to 42%Trusted Source of uncomplicated UTIs resolve without treatment. However, individuals who suspect that they have a UTI should seek medical attention as soon as possible as a mild infection could become serious and potentially fatal without treatment.

People who get two or moreTrusted Source culture-documented UTIs within 6 months should consider seeing a urologist.


Antibiotics are the standard treatment method for UTIs. However, the type of medication prescribed and the length of treatment will depend on the person’s symptoms and medical history.

First-line treatmentsTrusted Source for UTIs include:

  • nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin and Macrobid)
  • fosfomycin (Monurol)
  • trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim and Septra)

People who experience recurrent UTIs might considerTrusted Source:

  • taking an antibiotic after sexual intercourse
  • taking a long-term, low-dose antibiotic for up to 6 months
  • taking a 3-day course of antimicrobials if symptoms reappear within 48 hours of initial treatment
  • seeing a licensed acupuncturist
  • undergoing vaginal estrogen therapy

Home treatment

A person can try the following to ease symptoms of a UTI:

  • try to drink 2–3 liters (l)Trusted Source of water each day
  • use a heating pad to help manage the pain or discomfort
  • avoid drinks such asTrusted Source alcohol or caffeine
  • take sodium bicarbonate to reduce the acidity of the urine
  • take over-the-counter painkillers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen

If a person decides to drink cranberry juice to help prevent or treat a UTI, they should opt for an unsweetened juice.

UTI prevention 

A person can take the following measures to minimize their risk of developing a UTI:

Stay hydrated

According to one 2020 systematic review and meta-analysisTrusted Source, drinking more fluids is one of the simplest ways to prevent recurrent UTIs.

Wipe from front to back

For females, wiping from front to back may help reduceTrusted Source UTI risk.

Wiping in this manner prevents germs and bacteria from coming in contact with the urethra. In addition to wiping from front to back, people should use separate pieces of toilet paper to wipe the genitals and anus.

Urinate when the urge strikes

According to one 2019 studyTrusted Source, delayed voiding, or waiting to urinate, has associations with an increased risk of recurrent UTIs.

Other prevention

To prevent a potential UTI from developing, people should urinate as soon as they feel the need to do so. Other methods to help prevent UTIs include:

  • urinating before and after intercourse
  • practicing good sexual hygiene
  • avoiding scented feminine products, including douches and scented pads or tampons
  • taking probiotic supplements or eating fermented foods, such as yogurt and kefir
  • limiting alcohol and caffeinated drinks

When to contact a doctor 

People who have one or more of the following symptomsTrusted Source should see a healthcare professional:

  • urinary frequency or a constant urge to urinate
  • burning sensations while urinating
  • red or pink-colored urine
  • cloudy urine
  • strong-smelling urine
  • pelvic pain in females


While drinking cranberry juice may reduce recurrent UTIs for some people, cranberry juice and other cranberry products are unlikely to treat an active UTI infection.

Many health professionals still consider taking antibiotics the gold standard of UTI treatments. However, this is not always the case.

People who suspect they have a UTI should consult their doctor before trying to treat the infection themselves.

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