COVID-19 NEW Update: Asians Have Highest COVID-19 Death Risks Over Eating Too Much Sugar

The University of Edinburgh in Great Britain claims Asians are more likely to die in Coronavirus compared to other races, specifically South Asian. One of the main arguments that supported this claim is the fact that this race also shown increase cases in diabetes. Therefore, treating patients with both these diseases may have a more negative effect on their treatment.

Why Asians are likely to die in COVID-19 due to Diabetes?

COVID-19 NEW Update: Asians Has Highest Virus Death Rate After Eating Too Much Sugar

COVID-19 NEW Update: Asians Has Highest Virus Death Rate After Eating Too Much Sugar
27 institutions across the United Kingdom, with several universities and 260 hospitals, joined in one to find out whether a person’s race affects his vulnerability with the virus.

Based on the info of 35,000 COVID-19 patients across England, Asians are the only ethnic group that has the highest death risks when diagnosed with the positive Coronavirus disease.

“South Asians are definitely more likely to die from Covid-19 in hospital, but we don’t see a strong effect in the black group,” Prof Ewen Harrison, from the University of Edinburgh, told the BBC.

Research shows 290 die out of every 1,000 white people needing hospital treatment for COVID-19, while 350 die out of every 1,000 South Asian people needing hospital treatment for Covid-19.

BBC said that there are 20% chances that Asian people are likely to die in hospitals due to COVID-19. This is compared to minority ethnic groups or even white people that don’t have the same death rate level.

Why diabetes affects Asians

COVID-19 NEW Update: Asians Has Highest Virus Death Rate After Eating Too Much Sugar

COVID-19 NEW Update: Asians Has Highest Virus Death Rate After Eating Too Much Sugar
Researchers from the team concluded and supported this study through another research saying that Asian races suffer in higher diabetes risks than other races.

“People of South Asian origin are more prone to diabetes because of the way their muscles burn fat,” BBC News reported.

This was the main reason Asians could be affected more with the virus since diabetes could also affect other body parts mostly targeted by the virus.

Around 40% of South Asian patients had either type 1 or 2 diabetes compared with 25% of white groups.

The diabetes disease relation with the COVID-19 cases was also used to explain the effect of the virus on South Korea. This Asian country was once had the highest virus cases in the world.

Not only diabetes but heart problems and Vitamin D deficiency too
The Queen Mary University of London found that diabetes was not the only disease that could increase negative effects in patients with Coronavirus.

Heart diseases and vitamin D deficiency may also contribute to the increased death risks of patients. However, Asian-theory research was praised by other experts.

“This is a really important question and one that we need to address urgently,” said Dr. Raisi-Estabragh and Prof Petersen. “There is a wide range of possible explanations, including sociological, economic, occupational, and other biological factors such as different genetic susceptibilities that need to be considered.”

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