Diet Coke Dangers Revealed: Here’s Why You Should Avoid Beverages with Artificial Sweeteners

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Diet Coke Dangers Revealed: Here’s Why You Should Avoid Beverages with Artificial Sweeteners

Here are also some healthy and safe alternatives.

Quincy Jon, Tech Times 09 July 2023, 02:07 pm

Do you like drinking diet sodas like Diet Coke? You better consider dropping that from your list of favorites, as health experts advise against beverages containing artificial sweeteners.

Although artificial sweeteners may appear healthier than conventional cola, the current study raises questions about their potential adverse effects on human health. 

Except for people with diabetes, artificial sweeteners should be avoided, advises the World Health Organization (WHO), due to their links to adult mortality, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and body fat.

Seeing the complete picture before drinking Diet Coke is essential. Diet soda may help you lose weight, mainly if you follow a diet. However, individual differences in the impact on glucose regulation, hunger, and body weight underline the need for customized strategies. One should also consider the health risks versus the benefits of beverages containing artificial sweeteners.

Let us examine the possible risks associated with diet soda intake and explain why you may want to think again before opening that can.

Effects on the Brain, Gut, and Metabolism

Artificial sweeteners in diet soda and other diet drinks are a significant problem. Diet Coke contains sweeteners like Aspartame and Acesulfame K that may harm our metabolism and gut flora, among other health issues.

Barbara Olendzki, RD, MPH, LDN, an associate professor of population & quantitative health sciences at UMass Chan Medical School, notes that the WHO recently issued an alert on sucralose based on extensive research showing that artificial sweeteners can alter metabolism, disrupt the beneficial microbiome, and potentially cause weight gain, according to USA Today. Moreover, studies indicate that Diet Coke may increase appetites for high-calorie meals.

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Artificial sweeteners disrupt the brain’s insulin response, boosting insulin and blood glucose levels and risking diabetes, per Medical News Today. Frequent insulin spikes may cause insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.

Furthermore, researchers say that diet drinks may alter the brain’s sensitivity to sweetness, making you want sugary meals. This reward zone shift may cause unhealthy eating and diet issues.

Healthy Alternatives to Diet Coke

Diet drinks include taste, caffeine, and carbonation, which many people like. The same components may, however, be found in a variety of healthy beverage alternatives without the possible side effects of artificial sweeteners.

Here are some Diet Coke alternatives tips to consider:

Look for caffeine in other places. If you sometimes want caffeine, switch to plain coffee or tea. For a healthy option, keep in mind to avoid excessive cream and sugar additives, according to an article on Cleveland Clinic.

Drinks may be improved with natural tastes. Try freezing raspberries, cucumber, mint, lemon, or lime in ice cubes to give a hint of natural sweetness and flavor to your drinks if the taste is the appeal of diet soda.

Be open to carbonation. Try adding fruits to seltzer or sparkling water to imitate the effervescent experience if you prefer the fizziness of soda to its sweetness. Instead, experiment with flavored seltzers and sparkling waters that are pleasant substitutes for diet soda.

Explore other beverage alternatives. Try new things and experiment with alternative beverages like kombucha, coconut water, and carbonated apple cider vinegar drinks. However, Review the components to ensure they support your dietary habits and wellness objectives.

Related Article: WHO’s Cancer Research Agency May Declare Aspartame Sweetener a Possible Carcinogen 

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