Doctors say they’re better than pills, but can a spray REALLY stop you snoring or help you to lose weight?

Home / Patient Education / Doctors say they’re better than pills, but can a spray REALLY stop you snoring or help you to lose weight?

Nose and mouth sprays are a highly effective way to get medication into the body — unlike a pill, the drug does not have to pass through the acidic environment of the stomach, which can reduce its effectiveness, nor does it have to be metabolized by the liver.

Instead, squirting a fine mist containing the active ingredient means the drug can be quickly absorbed by the thousands of capillaries (tiny blood vessels) that lie directly beneath the surface of the mouth and nose tissue, then circulated around the body.

Delivering medicines in this way is so effective that there are now sprays to treat everything from snoring to infections.

Easy access: Instead of popping a pill, squirting a fine mist containing an active ingredient means the drug can be quickly absorbed by the thousands of capillaries next to the skin

Easy access: Instead of popping a pill, squirting a fine mist containing an active ingredient means the drug can be quickly absorbed by the thousands of capillaries next to the skin

In the UK, we spend £10 million a year on hay fever sprays alone.

Here, experts offer their verdicts on some of the more novel over-the-counter products. We then rated them…


This contains vitamin B12, which is vital for the body to produce healthy red blood cells that can carry oxygen to muscles, organs and tissues. A shortage of it can lead to anaemia — symptoms of this include extreme tiredness, a lack of energy, a sore and red tongue and mouth ulcers.

Boosted: This contains vitamin B12, which is vital for the body's healthy red blood cells

Vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and yeast extracts (such as Marmite). The body does not store it, so it has to come from our diet. This mouth spray is intended to keep levels topped up.

It should be taken four times a day, sprayed under the tongue or on the inner cheek. For ages five and above.

EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Most people get everything they need from a varied diet — including vitamin B12,’ says Susan Short, from the British Dietetic Association.

‘But those on vegan diets may be at risk of a deficiency and the spray is a good alternative to swallowing tablets. However, I would recommend checking with a doctor, dietitian or pharmacist first to see if you really need it.’ 2/5


Gengigel Oral Spray, 20ml, £8.95,

Mouthful: This spray is designed to soothe inflamed gums and stop minor bleeding

Mouthful: This spray is designed to soothe inflamed gums and stop minor bleeding

Three out of four UK adults suffer from bleeding gums at some point. The cause is gingivitis or inflammation of the gums, and most people notice it as they brush their teeth.

Left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis, where the tissues that hold the teeth in place become damaged, increasing the likelihood of teeth falling out.

This spray is designed to soothe inflamed gums and stop minor bleeding. It contains hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring component of connective tissue in the body, which helps repair the damage.

EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Anything with alcohol in it is likely to be temporarily calming, as it has a sedative effect,’ says Cary Cooper, a professor of psychology from Manchester Business School.

‘But the spray won’t get rid of the underlying problem, whether that’s finances, work or a bad relationship.’ 1/5


Breathe easy? This fine spray made from seawater 'cleanses nasal passages¿

Sterimar Isotonic Nasal Spray, 100ml, £7.99,

A fine spray made from seawater which the manufacturer says ‘gently moisturizes and cleanses nasal passages’ to make breathing easier.

It also claims it has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling and blockages in the nostrils and that is suitable for all ages. Use two to six times a day in each nostril.

EXPERT VERDICT: ‘This is very useful. Saline — salt water — is recommended in international guidelines for the treatment of chronic sinusitis,’ says Professor Tony Narula, an ear, nose and throat surgeon at The Princess Grace Hospital in London.

‘The salt helps by drying out the mucus, which makes it easier to remove the mucus when you blow your nose.’ 4/5


Nytol Anti-Snoring Throat Spray, 50ml, £7.87,

Fact: 15 million people in the UK regularly snore ¿ and two thirds of them are men

About 15 million people in the UK regularly snore — and two-thirds of them are men. This disrupts the sleep of both sufferers and their partners, and severe snoring which constantly interferes with breathing (sleep apnoea) is also thought to be a risk factor for heart disease.

Nytol’s spray creates a thin foam that settles on the back of the throat to reduce the vibrations caused when air passes over soft tissue — this is what creates the rasping sound of a snore.

The active ingredient is phosphatidylcholine, which is said to help throat muscles remain firm, eliminating snoring.

Use three squirts of the spray before going to bed.

EXPERT VERDICT: Dr. Neil Stanley, an independent sleep expert, says: ‘There is some evidence that sprays like this can reduce snoring in some people, as they stop the muscles from relaxing so much. But if you have pauses in your breathing during sleep [ie, sleep apnoea], see your GP.’ 3/5

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