Here’s how to take your kids to the playground while also protecting them from the coronavirus

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Here’s how to take your kids to the playground while also protecting them from the coronavirus

Health officials have provided basic ways on how to protect ourselves from the novel coronavirus. These include sanitizing or washing our hands, and wearing a mask when in public. 

Always remember that you and your child should wash or sanitize hands as soon as possible after you’re done playing outside. As much as possible, avoid eating snacks or other food while in public. 

If it’s necessary, be sure to sanitize or wash your hands before grabbing a bite. Always prepare extra clothes for them in case of potential exposure. 

Here's How to Take Your Kids to the Playground While Also Protecting Them from Infection

Here’s How to Take Your Kids to the Playground While Also Protecting Them from Infection

Dr. Amina Ahmed explained that during the pandemic, parents must always hover and look after their kids while they’re outside to make sure their children are not playing with other kids too much. 

“You can have your child go down the slide but you’re going to have to be right there to make sure they’re not touching the slide after another child and then touching their nose and their eyes,” said Dr. Ahmed. 

“And if you decide that you’re going to wear the mask, which I would encourage, then try to make sure they keep that mask on and that they’re not running toward another child to hug them,” she added. 

Following your kids gives you vision if they’re touching their face or interacting too close with other kids. 

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